Chapter Three.

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winning a battle, losing the war

Vienna's first morning in her new place was anything but peaceful

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Vienna's first morning in her new place was anything but peaceful. The blonde's hair sprawled across her pillows as she stared up at the ceiling, the sound of her new housemates and listen to the sound of the rain hitting the window, Vienna groaned, throwing a pillow on top of her face as she heard a faint, "George's room is bigger than mine! I have more clothes, I should have the bigger room!"

George argued back, "I got here first! And I'm pretty sure Vienna's room is bigger! The only person who's been in there is her and Meredith!"

Hearing footsteps nearing her door, she was quick to yell out, "I swear to God, Isobel Stevens, if you so much as touch this door, I promise you will lose your fingers! Put your damn clothes somewhere else!" The footsteps then quickly retreated, going elsewhere.

Vienna threw the mound of blankets off of her body, throwing open her door. "Oh, paintings would be nice," The blonde ignored her two housemates, making her way into the bathroom to get ready. "Good morning, Vienna." George smiles, earning a half hearted wave in response.

"You have all this amazing stuff just packed away. In the back hall, I found this box with like a hundred tapes of your mother performing these amazing medical procedures."

George gasped, "Really? We should watch them! Meredith, do you want to watch ━━ " He was then cut off by Meredith joining Vienna in the bathroom, slamming the door shut in their faces after stealing Izzie's coffee.

His muffled voice then came through the door, "Meredith, do you want some privacy?"

Vienna grit her teeth as she gripped the sink, "George. Back away from the door or I swear I will steal a scalpel from the hospital and maim you." She watched through the mirror as Meredith sat on the floor, her back against the closed door as she sipped the coffee she stole. "I'll be done here soon, then it's all yours." She sighed.

Now at the hospital, the interns all followed Bailey around as she mutters things to herself, "Fools on bikes killing themselves. Natural selection is what it is."

Epiphany  /  Mark Sloan¹Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt