Chapter 10: Interacting with Class 1-A, Hero Training

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I had finally finished my design for my hero costume. I had decided to have it as a retractable indigo cloak that was waterproof, bulletproof, and tear proof that also could act as a hood or cape.
My next items were long black and red gloves that had slots to manipulate blood freely without straining my hands and arms, and four small daggers that would be strapped to my hips for easy access; a support item that allowed me to copy quirks without needing to be within biting distance; and a pair of black boots with red on the toe and heels. My outer clothes were high waisted jeans and a black croptop with mid-length sleeves.

I put the application in my bookbag and went to put on my uniform. I had asked for both types of uniforms, in case I ever wanted to wear the female uniform for a day, and today was that day, except I would add my own twist to it: I would dig in my closet, find the most emo boots I had, and wear them to school. Hopefully I wouldn't get dress coded.
I finally found the most emo boots I owned. They were all-black, knee-high with shiny silver studs on the sides, and they had mid-length heels, making me look even taller than I already was at 5'7 and three-quarters. I was wearing my uniform with black tights and shorts under, plus my boots.

I walked down the stairs to have some waffles and Hitoshi saw what I was wearing. He choked on his coffee in surprise. " look cool as hell, Ketsumi," he said as he finished drinking his coffee. He had a slight blush, but I didn't notice it and sat down in his lap. "I know right? Everyone's going to be so surprised when I walk in like a bad bitch." I said as I adjusted my boots' shoelaces. "Ketsumi, get off of me! You know I'm bi and that I could get..flustered if you keep sitting on me like that!" He said embarrassedly while shifting me off of him. I immediately jumped up when I remembered that he was, indeed, bisexual and not gay.
"W-whatever, let's go," I said as I stuffed my waffles in my mouth.

Time skip~(at school)

I was walking to my classroom when I heard a voice say, "Your thighs are sexy..", then I felt someone try to touch my skirt. I whipped around to see who had dared to try touching me, and it was a small boy with purple balls for hair. I gave him my most intimidating glare. "What do you think you're doing, you evil little perv?!" I yelled at him. "How dare you attempt to touch me!" I said as I grabbed him by the collar. "I-Im sorry, ma'am!" He tried to say. "What's your name and class?" I said to him angrily as my claws dug into the collar of his shirt. I knew that I was making a scene, but I didn't care.
"I'm Minoru Mineta and I'm in class 1-A," he said in fear as I scrutinized him. "You're in the hero course? How the hell did you of all people get into the so-called best hero class in U.A.?! I'm taking you there, hopefully they're not as bad as you," I said as I held him by his collar while walking in the direction of class 1-A's classroom. I found it, and I slammed it open.
There was a boy with six arms, a girl with brown hair, a boy with a large tail, a boy with multicolored hair like mine, another boy with weird elbows, a boy with fluffy green hair, a girl with earphone jacks for earlobes, a pink-skinned girl with cute little horns coming out of her hair, another boy with spiky red hair, a boy with spiky blonde hair who looked angry at my intrusion, and that same uptight asshole with glasses.

"What the fuck do you want, you damn extra?!" The angry blonde yelled. "First of all, shut the fuck up, nobody wants to hear your bitchy ass in the morning," I hissed at him while holding the purple pervert who looked happy at my choking him by the collar.
"Second of all, who's your teacher or class rep? Cause somebody needs to teach this creep what basic respect is!" I said angrily as I continued to hold him by the collar. They finally noticed that I was holding him. "MINETA, what did you do to this girl?!" The glasses dude said while making weird, chopping motions. "I just said that her thighs were sexy, jeez!" The pervert said while trying to get free from my grip, but I had him immobilized. At the words the perv said, two other boys, one with blonde hair that had a black streak, and the guy with weird elbows snuck a look at my thighs, and the guy with blonde hair's nose started bleeding from the sight. "Kaminari, are you okay?!" The glasses dude said. "I-I'm fine, I just need a napkin," he said while blushing. The guy with weird elbows handed one to him, and I glared at them both before turning to the glasses dude. "I'm Tenya Iida, and I'm the class representative of class 1-A! Did Mineta do something rude to you?" He asked politely.

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