Kamado Syndrome - Slight Smut

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Kanao groaned, the sunlight was too bright in the afternoon, especially in summer.

She was bored but had nothing to do, so she decided to take a shower and make some noodles.

She poured in the broth, stirring sleepily when her phone went off. She jumped, jolting around to grab it and check. It was a message from her friends, the Kamado siblings.

HappyDemon4: there's a festival tonight, wanna check it out?

ICutARock3: it'll be loud, but there will be fireworks!😁

MuteButterfly7: okay. I have nothing else to do anyway. Where should we meet? What time?

ICutARock3: maybe around three at the train station?

MuteButterfly7: okay. See you both there.

Kanao was excited, she had a bad case of the Kamado syndrome. Both were kind hearted and attractive, who wouldn't?

She was crushing hardcore on both of them, but she didn't quite understand why.

Minutes Later, she slipped on her butterfly patterned yukata, and headed out the door.

Kanae stopped her. "I can drive you? If you're heading to the festival, that is."

"I'm meeting with friends."

"Ah, well why don't I drive you all?"

"No, we're ok."

Kanao headed out to the train station, but she had to wait a little bit before the siblings came. She stood in the least crowded spot, trying to make herself as small as possible to avoid being bumped into.

Soon, Tanjiro and Nezuko spotted her amongst the crowds.

"Hey!" Tanjiro came running, hand in hand with his sister while they navigated the deadly crowds. He held Kanao's hand, a rush of adrenaline shocking her with a quiet squeal. "Once we actually get to the festival, it won't be this crowded, I hope."

They all ran, towards the entrance of the festival and sat on a garden ladge to cool down.

It was then Kanao remembered she was still holding their hands, and let go with a little shock.

"S--sorry... I didn't ask first." Tanjiro rubbed his head with embarrassment. "Did you wanna go get some food before it all sells out?"

The girls nodded, and soon enough they sat down to eat. On the way they ran into Tengen and his Girlfriends, all sharing Sakura mochi with Mitsuri and Obanai.

After, the three played games like paper net fishing, dart throwing, and aiming practice.

They sat somewhere on the grass once they were tired, leaning against a little rock, their hands connected.

None of them knew how it had happened, but time passed so quickly, that when yeh three heard a shot in the sky, blinding light colouring their faces, they didn't speak. Just looked at the sky in awe at the fireworks lighting up the pitch blackness.

It was a little bit hot, very loud. Once she got home, Kanao almost cried when she remembered she didn't take any photos, so she called Tanjiro.

It's fine, don't worry. I took alot so I'll send them to you. By the way, today was great, did you wanna hang out again some time?

"Sure. I'd love to."

Amazing! I'll let you know as soon as I'm free later. Hope you have a good night!

"You too."

She scrolled through the photos, her heart skipping a beat once she saw one with a picture of her staring at the fireworks. She almost couldn't breathe when she read a little caption on it that said,

You're beautiful. 💫

"Wh-- what?" What?! What was she supposed to think of that? Did he mean to send that? Did he want to say something with that? How would she bring it up with him? Next time they hung out? Would it ruin the mood? What happens if she doesn't mention it? Will be be sad or relieved?

"I need a nap." She said, overwhelmed by everything. "I'm just over thinking it because I like them. Maybe he just meant it in a friendly way..."


-Special bit-

Tanjiro huffed loudly from across the room, sinking to his knees.

Will she get it? Will she see it? Will she care? Maybe she's confused? Maybe she's disgusted? Oh god... Oh shit-- oh no... Why did I even send it? Why did I--


He leapt up, checking his phone. A reply from Kanao.

He held his breath as he opened the app.

You were rather beautiful, too.

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