chapter 23: alone

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"That's what I'm talking about, Amber!" Y/N yelled with a sudden surge of emotion, pulling away from Amber's embrace but still holding on to her fingers. She could feel the heath emanating off of Amber's body.

A knot formed in her stomach at Amber's words. She didn't want to lose her.

"This isn't even about the movie it?" Y/N asked in a whisper, her eyes softening as she gazed back at Amber, still twiddling with her fingers.

"Of course, it still is. I just have more of a reason to..." Amber's words faltered, not sure how to finish her sentence.

Y/N's gaze hardened once again, her tone turning serious. For a minute, Amber saw the other side of Y/N, the darker one. The side that would show up when she started talking about their killing scheme.

"To kill? Seriously?" And now she had snatched her fingers away from Amber's grip.

"Maybe we should stop this. I-I love you and all but—" Y/N stammered, shaking her head as she rotated her body away from Amber.

"Hey, look at me. Look at me."

Amber tried to meet her gaze, practically pleading with her eyes. Amber would do anything to get her attention. Y/N huffed, giving in to those brown eyes she loved so much.

"I would never let anything bad happen to you, okay? Never," Amber said, her voice gentle but firm. She subtly intertwined their fingers, waving their locked hand in the air.

Y/N saw the love and devotion in her eyes, feeling a warm sensation spreading through her chest. Amber assured her that she was protected from harm at all times.

When Y/N was feeling down, Amber always had the perfect words to say to cheer her up. Even if the entire planet were on fire, Amber would find a way to put it out.

"I told you don't have to be involved. You don't have to kill anyone. You can just do the technical stuff, yeah?" Amber said, a note of pleading in her voice.

"But I still want to be useful to you," Y/N said, feeling a bit dejected, a small pout forming.
She looked like a sad puppy right now and Amber only melted at the sight.

"My love, you being here and supporting me means the world to me. You're the reason my heart beats," Amber said in a soft voice, leaning in to give her a gentle kiss.

Y/N couldn't help but smile into it.
"Don't say that, you're so cheesy."

Rolling her eyes with the smile still on her face, she smacked Amber's shoulder, but not too hard in case she hit a bruise.

"And you love itttt," Amber teased, grinning mischievously.

She tugged Y/N into her again, just about falling into the raven haired girl's strong hold.

"I'm crazy 'bout you, babyyy!" Amber said this time in a songlike tune, picking Y/N up and twirling her around. They both burst out in fits of uncontrollable laughter.

As Amber set Y/N down, still ensnared in her arms, their laughter gradually faded away.

Y/N and Amber stood in the living room, their bodies close together. The only sound in the room is the soft hum of the air conditioner and the faint ticking of the wall clock.

Their eyes locked onto each other's. The soft brown hue of Amber's eyes held Y/N's gaze. The warmth in them made Y/N's heart skip a beat.

Amber's eyes were warm and inviting, her brown irises deep and full of emotion. They seemed to twinkle in the dim light of the room, and Y/N couldn't help but feel lost in them. Her heart beat faster, and she felt a sudden urge to reach out and touch Amber's cheek.

Backstabbed (Amber Freeman x Fem Reader)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu