Chapter 20//Connor

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I bob my head up and down taking all of him into my mouth until he hits the back of my throat. He cries out in ecstasy as I swallow around the head of his erection. I pull back swirling my tongue around the tip of his member and flicking my tongue across his slit. His hands are clenched in my hair and tugging slightly as he gets closer and closer to his high. I put my mouth all the way around him again and his moans are almost enough to get me off alone. His moans are like a beautiful symphony to my ears.

"You're mine Troye. Only mine." He pants and I look into his eyes as continue to bob and swivel my head against his tall member. His hands clench tighter in my hair as he reaches his high, with a delicious moan, and spills into my mouth. I swallow every last drop then pull my mouth off of him. I crawl up the bed beside him and lie close to him. He pulls me closer and plants a kiss on my lips, he looks tired and extremely happy. His face scrunched after a moment and he looks down at my straining boxers. "Do-Can I-" he's obviously flustered and doesn't know how to ask. I save him the embarrassment of trying to phrase a proper sentence.

"Yes. If you want to. You don't have to." I find myself over explaining and feeling a little bit flustered. As he pulls me down for another kiss he shifts his body so that he's on top of me. He gives me the same treatment that I gave him but slower and more carefully. When I come in his mouth, the milky liquid seeps out of the corners of his mouth.

I wipe the come off his face with one of our discarded shirts. He looks so shy now, which is a huge contrast to moments ago when his mouth was helping me reach the greatest orgasm I've ever had in my life. The thing that boy can do with his tongue drive me.

"Best orgasm I've ever had." I say looking down at the smooth planes of his face. He rolls over still completely naked and hides his head under one of the pillows. I lie my head on his shoulder blades and snuggle up there, I don't want to move. This moment is kind of just really good.

"Really?" He says after several moments, he'd been being so quiet I thought he might have fallen asleep. Was he really thinking about that the whole time? He's my soulmate of course it's going to be better with him. I lift my head up off his shoulder and I touch his arm so he'll turn over. He turns towards me and looks into my eyes waiting for a response.

"Honestly. It was perfect and fun. I can't think of a better way to spend my time.." and I think I might be in love with you but even after what we just did I can't say it. I don't know what is wrong with me but I physically can't make myself say it. Maybe that's a sign that I'm not ready to actually tell him.

"I think I need a shower." Troye says and rolls out of bed, he grabs a pair of clean boxers out of the dresser across from the bed and turns his head to wink at me before he leaves. I get up deciding that I should probably get up and maybe change the sheets.

I change the sheets then walk down to the first floor to use the other bathroom. I step under the hot spray of water and my starts running with ideas.

What if we are taking things too fast? I feel like ever since our first kiss things have kind of just cascaded into what we are today. It's kind of like an avalanche one thing gets it going and nothing can stop it. I don't think anything can stop us.

As I step out of the warm and shut the water off one thought keeps clawing at the back of my mind. He said he wouldn't have sex with me until he was sure he loved me. That wasn't sex but it's not necessarily something that should be taken lightly. He wouldn't do anything with me the other day when he told me that. What has changed since then that would make him do this? He's realized he's in love with you, Connor. I push the thought out of head not wanting to think about something as terrifying as that. I don't why I find it so terrifying, I should be thrilled that my soulmate is most likely in love with me but I can't be when I'm not entirely sure, yet, if I feel the same way.

I slip on my boxers drying my hair as I walk back up to our room. I find Troye lying on his stomach and I lie down next to him and he rolls over to look at me. He's looking at me like there is nothing he'd rather be looking at. The way he's looking at me makes me feel special. I like the look in his eyes, it's gentle and sweet.

"Can I kiss you?" He asks and I smile at the way that he still asks that, despite the fact that he just gave me a blow job like fifteen minutes ago. I nod my head at him and lean forward to press my lips to his, the kiss is soft and gentle. Once he pulls away, he curls up in my arms. I kiss the top of his head and he hums in appreciation. This kid just does things to me that I can't explain. The way he speaks, the way he smiles, the way he protects me and cares for me. It's something special and I'm terrified that his profession is going to take him away from me. I pull him closer to me suddenly hating any little piece of space between us and I clear my head of thoughts like those. I stop worrying about everything for a minute and fall asleep with the most handsome man I've ever met, or ever will meet, wrapped in my arms.



Hey guys it's Amanda and I'm kind of really addicted to writing this right now which is really great for you guys because so much is going on right now. So much is coming and you are not prepared. Trust me. Anywho...If you liked any part of this chapter please:


I love you little polka dots.

Twitter: FlutteryFranta

Tumblr: FlutteringFranta

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