Chapter 3// Connor

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I walk out of Dan and Phil's office with a smile on my face and a feeling that I have something today. Seeing that Dan and Phil are so happy makes me feel a lot more optimistic about meeting my soul mate. I don't know why but it just does. I'm so excited to finally meet him that I can't contain my smile as Tyler and I walk back to our office.

"What's gotten into you ConBon?" Tyler asks me as we sit back down in our office to begin working on the new article. I plug my camera into the computer as I think of how I should respond to him. I look over to Marcus who is throwing a ball of paper in the air not paying the slighest attention to either of us. I look down at my wrist and Tyler sighs turning to his computer screen. He tugs at his bracelet and I feel bad for him. I really need to ask him about that. We need to have a just us talk about this. I feel like Tyler hasn't talked to many people about his love life. I feel like he got hurt in a really bad way.

"It's-It's nothing. I need to start editing these pictures." I say instead of actually answering him. I don't think he needs to hear about how excited I am to meet my soul mate. I just feel like that isn't something he needs to hear right now. I work with the photos for the rest of the day staying well past the time I usually do to finish.

Joe comes in to check on me as he's leaving when he sees that the light is still on in my office. He walks in slowly knowing that if he walks into quickly I'm going to snap at him for breaking my focus. I turn around to see him about to lie a hand on my shoulder. He looks down at me with a somewhat worried expression. He knows that I don't usually work this late unless I don't want to think about something. He's right. I don't want to think about my soul mate or what's wrong with Tyler.

"Con you should go home. You need to get some sleep." Joe rubs my shoulder and I lean into his hands. I relax back and sigh knowing that he's right and that I should go home and relax.

"I'm almost done." I tell him then look back at the screen that is far from finished. "I'll be out of here in a few minutes. No need to wait up. Go home and watch a movie. Eat some ice cream and relax." Joe nods his head but he doesn't seem to convinced that I'm actually going to leave in a few minutes. Joe walks out of the room and I turn back to the work in front of me. I end up staying for about an hour longer to finish up at least one part of it. I'm exhausted by the time I finally make it to my apartment. I open door and walk into my living room only to be greeted by four of my best friends. Jc, Ricky, Trevor, and Kian.

"Joe said you looked stressed out so I thought we might as well have a nice little boys night in." Ricky says from my couch. It doesn't really surprise me that they managed to get in my apartment even without a key. These boys are something else. I love them to death regardless butt they are pretty insane sometimes.

"I'm going to take a shower and get changed. Put a movie in and I'll be out in a bit. Don't destroy my apartment." I give a pointed look to Jc and Kian knowing that they are definitely the most reckless of the four. They snicker and wave me off like I don't need to worry about them. I've seen them trash one to many things to be completely at ease leaving them to my apartment without me there. I walk out of the living room and into the bathroom for a quick shower.

A few minutes later I wrap a towel around my waist and head to my bed room to put some clothes on. I find a pair of comfy boxers and my favorite sweatpants and head out to the living room to see the boys sprawled across the floor watching Burlesque on the tv. Ricky looks back at me then joins me on the couch. He wraps an arm around me and let's me cuddle into his side as he starts talking me.

"You need to relax, more. Once you find your soul mate every thing is going to be find. I know I was once I found KiKi." Ricky looks down at his soul mate longingly. I was there when they first met it was so freaking cute. Ricky and Kian are good for each other. Ricky calms Kian down when he's being too rowdy and Kian makes Ricky lighten up when he's being too serious. They balance each other out nicely.

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