Polaroid ▪︎ 3

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For the next week and a half-ish, I continued coming to the school as they worked on their project.

And luckily, by some medical, I was getting better at talking to Baymax. In fact, in a span of a few days he was probably the easiest one to talk to.

I found myself attracted to his words, how he never let the conversation stop.

And it wasn't even all about health, it was all just over every day normal life things. It almost felt like he was more than just a doctor robot, I like to think of him as a friend.


Back to the now.

I'm alone at home with Hiro. He's finally starting trial and error with building the new portable charging station.

I was going to help him, of course. So here I am now. Middle of the night. Just him and me.

We sat side by side silently as he was making a structure to 3D print.

But no matter how hard I try, I just can't stop thinking about Baymax.

He's been consuming my mind recently. I just find him so.. interesting. He's so incredibly intelligent, so life like, so human. He feels like a real friend. Not just a robot playing nice with me.

I stare at my fiddling hands, focused inside my own head until Hiro pulled me out.

"Yyy/nnn? Helloooo??" He finally got my attention.

"Huh?" I shot my head up and looked to him. "Sorry! Yeah, what is it?" I asked, quickly throwing on a smile.

He looked at me for a second, raising his brow. "Well, I was going to ask you what you thought of this print but-"

"The print!" I interrupted. "It's great. Go for it! Love it!" I nodded and tried to swivel my spinning chair the other way.

He quickly grabbed it and faced it back towards him. "Ah-ah-ah. Nope, I know that face. Something's up, isn't it?"

"Whaaat?" I stuttered out with a laugh. "No! Nothing's up. Just thinking." I brushed it off in hopes he would drop it.

"Thinking about..?" He asked. Nope, he won't be dropping it apparently.

He obviously wouldn't excuse it if I tried again, so my next resort was to make up a lie about what's on my mind. "Uhh.." I breathed out.

Obviously this isn't working.

After a considerable amount of time, I finally caved in and decided to tell him the truth.

"It's stupid." I say, warning him not to be worried.

He rolled his eyes playfully, shaking his head. "I don't care if you think that, if you have a problem I want to hear it. Nothing will get solved by bottling it up, right?"

"It's not even a problem, really." I insisted. "More like a.. observation."

"Fine." He sat back in his chair and intertwined his fingers. "What's your observation?"

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