"bro i have the shit right in front of me. why none of y'all believe me?" he stressed while gesturing to the bloody wired headphones, that were identical from the ones celeste had stuffed in her ears months before.

"nah i didn't say i don't believe you it's just that i need celeste here until i give my opinion." she shrugged.

notti looked at the group, taking his head off isis's shoulder. in his opinion he wouldn't be surprised if haven had tried to go to the point of trying to kill celeste it's just that he didn't wanna go against isis and at the same time wanted celeste to be here before he said anything.

a couple minutes passed of absolute silence, with all of them in their owns minds until they heard a knock on the door. isis shot up from her seat and walked quickly to the door to open it for celeste.

dd looked at the two before realizing the accuse was that amiri wanted to see the girl and amiri was literally not here. he quickly got up from his seat to go to melz's room to see if they could borrow melz for a couple minutes.

"where's miri?" celeste questioned as she walked inside, she almost immediately made eye contact with darrian who looked like he was about to cry. she felt bad. she didn't know why she just did.

isis pursed her lips and before she could say something dd came in with a happy amiri in his arms. "hi baby!" she cooed as she walked closer to the folder in dd's arms. "come to cellie," she grabbed the small boy who was doing grabby hands towards her. celeste took the boy into her arms and put him where his chin was on her shoulder and she was holding him down.

she sat down on the couch and widened her eyes when she saw bloody headphones in front of her, unfortunately the nightmares from that night still haven't ended and she had seen that object everywhere she went and now it was in front of her in real life.

"why y'all got this?" she looked at each of them quickly but nobody spoke up until notti did. "aight cel don't freak out okay? it's just that ddot found these and it fell out of haven's pocket." he replied since he was the only person that could word it out.

celeste's mouth went agape and she felt numb. she felt dumb.

she didn't know why she never thought that haven could have done this to her. now she felt a little scared that she had whooped her ass and her literal life could be in danger once again. she doesn't wanna die, again.

"honestly.. i say we shoot ha back. i mean it's only fair right? like self defense fr." dd suggested as he scratched the back of his head. notti smacked him in the chest even though he did agree with his brother.

darrian didn't even care anymore, he was straight on staring at the girl. "man you needa give shorty ha face back." dd whispered to him but was shut up by notti smacked the back of his head now.

"this too much tension for me fr.. imma go make somethin to eat y'all." dd spoke once again and made his way to the kitchen with notti following suite. isis mugged the two reckless boys and looked back at her cousin, opening her mouth to say something but celeste shook her head, "can you jus go with them please? i needa be alone right now."

isis nodded. she understood that celeste was literally freaking out about what to do so she just followed her instructions. but she sent darrian a look which he could make out as of a death wish if he did talk to her, or bother her.

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