𝟔| 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐝𝐞𝐚𝐭𝐡 𝐨𝐟 𝐝𝐚𝐫𝐰𝐢𝐧

Start from the beginning

All of them jumped back in fear, Y/n letting out a small scream at the sight before she felt Raven pull her to her so she didn't have to look at all the other bodies that were falling from the same height, their screams being cut off when their bodies slammed against the roof of the building or the ground.

Guards had soon been moving out to the courtyard, one shouting at the mutants to get away from the window and to not leave the room just when a man all colored in red appeared behind them. The group found themselves shouting at the guards as they pointed at the red mutant and when the guards began shooting, he was disappearing and reappearing.

He moved one of the triggering guns to hit the window, breaking it. As glass and bullets flew everywhere, the mutants were screaming as they crouched down behind a sofa, Y/n holding the leg of the closest person to her as she felt their arm around her back to make sure she was safe.

That person was Hank. When they heard a loud gust of wind from the other window, they snapped their gazes to watch as a large tornado moved along the field before it engulfed Hank's ball lab, destroying it completely. When more gunshots echoed, they snapped their eyes back to the other window to see the red mutant was killing the guards with sharp items in his hand.

Darwin had been quick to object to the idea of staying in the room, ushering for the others follow him as he rushed to the door. Y/n held Hank's hand as they ran out of the room and down the small hall, seeing other guards standing at the end.

The guards had shouted at them to go back into the room. There was a moment as they all shouted at one another, Darwin claiming they could help. When an explosion emitted from the end of the hall, making it's way towards them, the mutants had no other choice but to go back to the room and close the door behind them.

The tornado had gotten bigger and bigger, a man flying right through the one window, his lifeless body laying in front of them. The red mutant had finished killing off the guards before he stepped into the room, another man from the other side doing the same, the tornado having disappeared just when gunshots echoed from out in the hall.

"Wait! You want the mutants? They're right through that door." A voice echoes from the other side. "Just let us normal people go. We're no threat--"

His voice had been cut off, a thump sound following it before the door to the room opened. Y/n moved closer to Hank's side, her hand gripping his bigger one as Sebastian Shaw entered the room, a helmet laying over his head. His eyes looked around, lingering on the youngest out of everyone in the room before he was looking at the two men, showing that they had been with him this entire time.

"Where's the telepath?" Shaw asks.

"Not here." The red mutant replies, accent thick.

"Too bad. Well, at least I can take this silly thing off." Shaw points out, taking the helmet off of his head before looking back at the group. "Good evening. My name's Sebastian Shaw. And I am not here to hurt you."

A voice yelling out the word 'freeze' had all of them looking over, seeing a guard had ran out into the courtyard, gun aimed at the bad guys. However, the red mutant, known as Azazel when Shaw called his name, teleported to the guard and killed him without a second thought, making Y/n let out a small cry that had Shaw looking at her, walking towards them.

"My friends, there's a revolution coming." Shaw begins, handing his helmet off to the other mutant with him. "When mankind discovers who we are, what we can do, each of us will face a choice. Be enslaved or rise up to rule. Choose freely, but know that if you are not with us, then, by definition, you are against us. So, you can stay and fight for the people who hate and fear you, or you can join me and live like kings. And queens."

Having stared up at him in fear the entire time, Y/n had notice that his eyes were looking into Angel's with his hand slightly outstretched towards her after he had taken notice of her thoughtful expression. The group looked at Angel in surprise when she placed her hand in Shaw's, letting him lead her towards the broken window where Azazel had been standing near with the other mutant trailing behind them. Angel was slowly stopping when Raven's voice called out her name in disbelief.

Sean raises a brow, gaze full of disbelief. "Are you kidding me?"

"Come on. We don't belong here." Angel tells them with a shake of her head. "And that's nothing to be ashamed of."

With that, she let Shaw lead her the rest of the way towards Azazel with the other mutant holding Shaw's helmet, Angel having ignored when Darwin outstretched his hand towards her. The young group of mutants stared at the other group, knowing they needed to do something. Darwin took a deep breath in, glancing towards Alex. The others watched as Alex had angrily pushed Darwin's hand off his arm when he placed it there, their eyes widening a bit.

"Stop. I'm coming with you." Darwin calls, walking towards them.

Shaw steps forward, smiling. "Good choice. So, tell me about your mutation."

Darwin shrugs while the others moved to the middle of the room. "Well, I adapt to survive. So, I guess I'm coming with you."

Shaw nods. "I like that."

The others watched as he led Darwin to stand beside Angel and when the man was there, he yelled out Alex's name. The blonde was quick to tell the others to get out as Y/n held Hank's hand tightly from before while she, Hank, Raven and Sean all ran out of the room just when Alex formed large red rings around him. As that happened, Darwin had formed the same substance around his torso, blocking him and Angel. Unfortunately, Shaw had been able to catch the rings Alex thrown at him using his own abilities.

Shaw raises a brow. "Protecting your fellow mutants? That's a noble gesture. Feels good."

Azazel had been able to grab Angel from Darwin, who's eyes had widened when he noticed that nothing happened to him. Just when Shaw turned in his direction, Darwin went to send a punch to the older man but Shaw was quick to stop his arm. Grabbing Darwin's jaw, he forced his mouth open before using his abilities to put something in his mouth. Alex had no choice but to watch as Shaw, Angel and the other two mutants disappeared while Darwin's entire body began shaking.

Alex watched as Darwin's entire body turned into a metal-like substance, showing whatever Shaw had put into his mouth was changing him. A red glow could be seen through the cracks of rocks when Darwin had been changed into stone. The slightly older man looked towards the blonde, holding his arm out. Alex was able to see Darwin's regular eyes one last time before he was exploded into bits.

𝐀𝐔𝐑𝐎𝐑𝐀, 𝗑 𝗋𝖾𝖺𝖽𝖾𝗋Where stories live. Discover now