you're annoying.

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The next morning, I knock at Hyunjin's door and wait for his permission for me to go in.

"Ye!", I hear him say in korean.

Oh yeah, of course. He doesn't know, who's knocking.
I open the door and look at Hyunjin, who's styling Felix's hair. Well, I don't know if that's styling but he's giving him braids which look like those I used to have in kindergarden.
I start to laugh. "Oh, Felix, you look so cute."
"Yes, I know", he says with a smile, looking at his hair stylist, who also smiles because of how damn cute my brother looks.

"So, what's up?", Felix asks, eating a cookie which he grabbed out of a cookie box next to him.
"I don't know what to do and I'm bored so please do something with me." I look at him, trying to make a cute face so that he can't reject, but he says:"I can't... I promised Nayeon to practice a dance with her at the entertainment today."

Nayeon is a member of TWICE. Felix has always been a great fan of that girlgroup so I am very happy for him because he's now friends with them. More or less.

"I see." I then look at Hyunjin. "Uhm. I got work to do. Why don't you stay with Minho? He doesn't have to do anything anyways now that you forced him to get a day off."
"Yeah, I could do that. But I feel like I'm annoying him."
Hyunjin laughs and mumbles something in korean. Felix just shakes his head. "Noooo, he's definetely not annoyed, but I think that's how he treats everyone."
"He's not good showing emotions, huh?"
"Not really", now says someone behind me. As I turn around, Chan stays in front of me. "Ahri, I need you to look after him, just for today since everyone else is busy. Is that okay?"
"I would do anything for you to not be worried whilest working."
"Thank you." He smiles at me.

I love his smile. It's a lovely smile. Like the smile of a loving and caring father.


"So what do you want to eat?!"
"I want energy."
"That's something to drink and you won't get it."

I take it back. I am not the one who's being annoying, but Minho the fuck is.

"You're annoying!", he says.

Kill me.

"And why do you have to be my babysitter anyways? Don't you have something to do?"
"Nope, apparently not. I'm doing this for Chan, so stop being a baby and eat the noodles, I cooked for you!"
I want to give him the noodle cup but he rejects it. "Nooo, gimme fried chicken."
"Imma give you a ticket to your grave if you don't stop asking for so much."
Lee Know stops talking and just takes his noodles, eating them whilest giving me a look which says:"I will haunt you in your dreams for not giving me fried chicken".

"Tomorrow, you could show me how you dance. I mean, live." I look at him, hoping for it to be a good idea. He smirks, trying to hold it back. "Yes. Maybe."


"Omg, that was CLEAN!", I comment while clapping. Minho just showed me a part of the back door performance.

We're in the JYP entertainment and I didn't expect it to be soooo big. Stray Kids literally has their own floor here and it's so cool to see all the other K-Pop Idols walking around for example in the Cafeteria.
I would love to work here.

"Thank you. But I'm not satisfied enough." Minho sits down next to me.
"Why not? You slay at dancing." I smile at him.
"Thanks again. But what if... " He doesn't finish his sentence. I feel like everytime he tries to talk about his feelings, he stops to try it. That's really sad. Why can't he just tell me what's going on? Talk to SOMEBODY about it?

"What?", I ask him. "What if what?"
"No no. Not important." He drinks out of his water bottle. I look at him, thinking about what to do next, then I take his hand to show him that he's not alone.

"Don't be afraid. People out there LOVE you. They wouldn't mind the biggest mistake you do and if they did, they would be assholes. Because you're trying your best. Your friends know that. I know that."
"What makes you so sure?", he asks me after he stares at me, thinking about my words.
"You worked so damn hard that you even forgot to SLEEP."
"Hm. I want it to be perfect."
"I'm not sure if it was perfect", I tell him. "But I'm sure that nobody could ever do it better than you."

Lino looks to the wall and holds back his smile. ,,You're annoying", he says. Then he proceeds to train in front of me.

I'm watching all of his moves and everything he does is so well-done, he barely seems like human anymore. More like an animated fictional character who's able to do anything he likes to do.

He's indeed a very talented dancer and I want him to be aware of that. Minho has to understand that he doesn't need others to love him. He just needs to love himself. Just needs his friends to be by his side. And they are.

I will make sure that he's happy.

𝒍𝒊𝒕𝒕𝒍𝒆 𝒅𝒐 𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒌𝒏𝒐𝒘... // Minho FFWhere stories live. Discover now