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"Please, Lee Know."

As I suddenly hear Han's voice coming from Minho's room, I stop walking. I just wanted to go downstairs to eat something but now I'm hiding next to the door to hear what Jisung is telling Minho.

But that won't happen because they continue by talking korean. In my head I sigh. Of course. Why would they talk english with each other? Now, I'm annoyed. I really wanted to hear what they're talking about.

"Stalking?", somebody suddenly whispers into my ear. I turn around immediately and see into my brothers eyes. "Psss, I want to hear. Translate!", I whisper.
"Usually, I wouldn't but okay."

Then we both listen to the talk between Minho and Jisung but of course, I can't understand anything.
I should've learned korean before!!

Minho's voice sounds tired, but he seems to argue with Han, whilest Han is trying to talk very calm.

"Han tells Lee Know to stop working so hard because he has noticed that he came home very late again and how tired he is. But Lee Know tells him that he wasn't tired and that he just was outside to eat dinner after work."
Felix sighs after translating. ,,He's obviously lying though."
I look at Felix, thinking about what to do next. Somehow, we have to stop him from what he's doing or else our dear Lee Know is going to end up laying in a hospital bed very soon.
,,Okay, thank you", I whisper and then decide to go downstairs without saying anything anymore.


"So... Uhm... Ahri, how was your flight?", I. N. asks me. He obviously wants to say something since literally NOBODY in the dining room says a word.
I don't know why. But I guess, they're all pretty tired. Or maybe they have heard about the thing with Minho?

"Uhm... I hate airplanes. So it definetely wasn't easy. But... " Before I can continue talking, Chan ends my sentence for me:"But she survived."
I laugh, looking at my breakfast and playing with the fork. "Yes... I survived."
"That's... good!", Jeongin answers quietly.

"Eat." Lino looks at Han like he was his father. But Han seems to be thinking about something so he probably forgot to eat. Han then looks at him and he sighs. "Will you sleep then?"
"I will when I'm finished."

Okay, the atmosphere is beginning to get very dark.

"Finished with what?"
"Wo.. Eating. I will sleep when I'm finished eating."

I'm surprised that they're talking english. I guess, they're trying their best so that I don't feel left out.

"You know what? I think, Lee Know is done with eating, right?" I stand up and take his plate. "Come on, I will wash this for you and then I will bring you to your room."
Minho looks at me, wanting to say something but I'm giving him the "Han-is-worried-enough" - look and he understands that he shouldn't say anything now, so he just stands up and goes upstairs.

"Well... Uh... I will... go to work then", Seungmin says and stands up, followed by Jeongin, Hyunjin and Changbin. "Yes, me too."
After they left the room, Felix goes up to me and whispers:"I am sorry. We will talk to him again and your week is going to be just fine, yes?"
"No problem. It's okay."
He looks at me for a moment as if he's thinking about how true it is that I don't have a problem with my week becoming a disaster, then he nods and also leaves the room.

I look at Chan, who's talking in korean with Han. He wants to calm him down, while Han looks to the ground, nodding as if it wasn't a problem for him.

But it was.

Han is Minho's best friend, they're literally soulmates. It's completely okay for him to be worried. Also, I feel like Han isn't mentally stable. He often looks like he's having a panic attack.

I feel sorry for him.

But now, I have to look after Minho. So I decide to follow him in his room, where he's sitting on his bed, staring at the wall. He then looks at me.

"I'm really sleeping enough. I don't know why I would want to be taken care of by a younger girl."
"So I am incompetent because I'm a girl?"
"That's not what I said."
I look at him, trying to understand why he's acting like a little child who doesn't want to sleep because it got nightmares. But I won't get the answer by doing nothing, I have to ask him. Even though he's surely not going to answer me. Minho talks about his problems very rarely.

"Why don't you stop working so much? You're the best dancer, I've ever met."
"And how many dancers to you know?" He doesn't look at me. A sign, that he's not familiar with talking about his feelings to another.
"Enough to know that you're freaking talented."
I go to his bed and take his blanket. "Now, you should sleep. Your performance wouldn't be as good as it would be if you slept now."

"I am worried", he suddenly says. I say nothing, do nothing. I just look at him. Wanting to know everything that's going on inside of his head. How does it look in there?
I don't think that Minho is who others think he is. He's not a mean person who feels nothing. He's a wonderful person with so much love to share.

"Why? Why are you worried? Talk to me."
"I..." Lino stares at the wall again, trying to find the right words.

But he gives up.

"No. It doesn't matter now. I am tired. Please let me be alone."
I'm frustrated. I really am. But I promise myself to get the words out of him. Just not now.

"Okay. Sleep well. I will look after you later. And no work for you today."
"You're annoying."
"Thank you."
"Okay... It's just for a week, right?"
"Want to get rid of me?"
I smile. He's so sassy.

I cover him up with the blanket and then leave the room to talk to Jisung who is now in his room, looking at his phone.

"Hey..", I mumble.
"Hey. How is he?"
"He's okay. He's sleeping now. Don't worry, I got this."
"Thank you...", he says, looking at me with a sad smile. "I think, he's afraid of being laughed at... Or that people won't like him when he's not able to dance anymore. That's all he got. At least, that's what he says."
"He has no reason to think that. I promise, he's going to be just fine. And if not, I'll beat the bad emotions out of him."
Han starts laughing. "Okay, okay. I trust you."
"Of course you do."

𝒍𝒊𝒕𝒕𝒍𝒆 𝒅𝒐 𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒌𝒏𝒐𝒘... // Minho FFWhere stories live. Discover now