Episode 3

25 1 0

I can't believe we are up for elimination. Hope I'm safe. I also hope that Lightbulb is safe. "Bright lights, follow me to the elimination area." Throne spoke. We followed throne to the elimination area.

"Hello Bright lights to the elimination area!" Throne announced. "We got 2 votes! Not alot, but it leads the elimination on!"

"Paintbrush, you got 0 votes along with Lightbulb, puffball and Milk." Throne announced. "Folder, Fruit ninja, Mattress. Two of you have 1 vote whilst one of you has 0 votes."

"The person with 0 votes is folder! Fruit ninja and Mattress, you are tied at 1 vote." Throne spoke.

The tiebreaker challenge was a dance off and Mattress won. The third challenge was an obby. It goes in this order:

Rope climb
Cliff dive

Team Jelly won again. This is a contestant vote today. Everyone voted on Puffball though.

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