🔮🔮Enchantling x Roarick🔮🔮

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Everyone who lives on Magical Sanctum agrees that the pocket dimension is way too isolated. There's only two islands here: Ethereal Island and Magical Sanctum. That's it. They're also both extremely far away from each other.

So far away in fact, the background on each island is different. Magical Sanctum has some Japanese nighttime screensaver, and Ethereal Island's background looks like Aurora Borealis took over a beehive.

Roarick has the most problems with Magical Sanctum of all the monsters there. They didn't understand the background, why the rocks were so mushy, and especially why the quad 'round these parts is literally the island's child. It's been driving them mad.

The only thing keeping Roarick sane was the skull they were holding. It was fairly shy, but it enjoyed a good talk once in a while and sang along with Roarick in the song. Too bad they only sing at the end.

Oh yeah, also Roarick's voice is louder than a jackhammer on steroids. Their skull is the only one who can tolerate the volume. Because of this, Roarick mainly just sits in the corner of the island trying not to get a headache until it's time to sing the song.

But one day that all changed when Enchantling noticed Roarick in the corner with their skull. They walked over to Roarick and opened their mouth to speak.

"He- OW!" Enchantling yelled.

Roarick's bit Enchantling in the arm.

"Man, you might want to give that skull a leash!" Enchantling suggested.

"OH! SORRY ABOUT THAT!" Roarick wailed as Enchantling covered their ears.

"Here," Enchantling said as he put a face mask on Roarick, "That should make your voice quieter."

"Mmmfmbmffmmbffbfff" Roarick mumbled.

"Okay, maybe not." Enchantling sighed.


"I dunno, you seemed lovely- I mean lonely." Enchantling explained.

All of a sudden, a huge shadow began looming above the island.

"Ooh! Looks like the player's checking on us!" Enchantling exclaimed, "Places, everyone!"

All the monsters went to their spots on the island and began singing and making music. Everybody did the song perfectly fine, but throughout the whole song Enchantling seemed distracted. Mainly, they were looking at Roarick.

The white and black striped hair, the exotic bone jewelry, and especially the amazing voice of Roarick was really intriguing to Enchantling. They couldn't take their eyes off them.

Once the song ended and the shards were collected, the player left.

Or, they were about to.

Suddenly, their voice was heard.

"What's this?" The player asked, "Ooh! Crescendo Moon seasonal skin!"

The player pressed the "buy" button and the island immediately transformed into a Lunar New Year themed titan.

Then, suddenly, a strange worm like creature squirmed out from the shadows. But this worm looked weird. It was flesh colored. It was weirdly fat. And it had the head and arms of a human.

"What is that thing?!?" Carillong asked.

"I'm the Globglogabgalab, and I love books. And this basement is a true treasure trove." the creature said.

"Basement?" Enchantling said, confused, "This isn't a basement!"

"I am the Glob-glo-gab-galab, The shwabble-dabble-wabble-gabble flibba blabba blab! I'm full of shwibbly glib-a-kind! I am the yeast of thoughts and minds!" the Globglogabgalab sang.

"This guy is creeping me out." Floot Fly said.

"Shwabble dabble glibble glabble schribble shwap glab! Dibble dabble shribble shrabble glibbi-glap shwap! Shwabble dabble glibble glabble shwibble shwap-dap! Dibble dabble shribble shrabble glibbi-shwap glab!" the Gblobgogabgalab continued, "Oooh, ha ha ha, mmm, splendid! Simply delicious! Ooooohm, ha ha ha ha!"

"Okay, I'm just gonna say it, what the hell is this thing?" Fluoress asked.

"I am the Glob-glo-gab-galab, the shwabble-dabble-wabble-gabble flibba blabba blab! I'm full of shwibbly glib-a-kind! I am the yeast of thoughts and minds!" the Globglogabgalab explained, "Shwabble dabble glibble glabble schribble shwap glab! Dibble dabble shribble shrabble glibbi-glap shwap! Shwabble dabble glibble glabble shwibble shwap-dap! Dibble dabble shribble shrabble glibbi-shwap glab!"

"Are you done?" Enchantling said.

"Indeed!" the Globglogabgalab confirmed.

However, everyone was so weirded out by the Globglogabgalab that they didn't notice that when the island transformed, a vase appeared around Roarick, trapping them.

"GAH!" Enchantling screamed as they ran over to Roarick, "Roarick's TRAPPED!"

"Don't worry!" the Globglogabgalab said, "Books, take care of this!"

All the books ran over and broke the vase.

"Oh, thank goodness!" Enchantling sighed.

Enchantling and Roarick hugged. There was no talking, but it was clear they liked each other. But then, the power of the hug was so strong, the entire island exploded, killing everyone except the Globglogabgalab, who began levitating, its eyes glowing.

"You stupid monsters," the Globglogabgalab said, "You killed all my books. I will have my revenge."

Just then Enchantling and Roarick reappeared, still hugging, and floated off to Ethereal Island where they lived happily ever after.

Hey there, sorry about how weird that was. It's getting pretty late and I just watched the Globglogabgalab meme, so I put it in here for some reason.

Maybe I'll make a sequel that's Globglogabgalab x Monster, I dunno. Request it in the requests chapter if you wanna see that I guess

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 16, 2023 ⏰

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