☀️☀️Hoola x reader☀️☀️

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M/n = Monster's name

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M/n = Monster's name

Btw Hoola is depicted as female here. She can be male if you want though.

Things haven't been going that great for you ever since you ended up on Earth Island. You don't even understand how the odds were in your favor. It was just a catapult accident that occurred with your monster buddies, and you 100% thought you were going to die. However you somehow landed on this island.

Most of the other monsters didn't really think you belonged there. They wouldn't allow you to sleep in the castle, so you had to sleep outside. You couldn't really make any friends because the few monsters that were fine with you being there knew they would get teased if they became friends with you.

But it all changed when a PomPom and a Pango decided to experiment. They both put an egg on the breeding structure, and a bright yellow egg with a red ring popped out. All the monsters were curious as to what it was, but you knew, because you happen to stumble upon its page on the My Singing Monsters wiki. By the way, wasn't it really flattering that the people in the human world made a wiki of your kind? Anyways, this was a Hoola egg, and Hoola was one of your favorite monsters (besides you), for a... different reason.

You couldn't help but admire her pretty design and cute voice. You even had a poster of her in your room at the castle. All the monsters on your original island knew, but you were too embarrassed to reveal it to the Earth Island monsters.

Then, after a day, the egg got a crack. Then two. Then three. And then, a Hoola popped right out. You were afraid that she wouldn't like you, or at best, she would just ignore you, so you were hiding at the time.

"Woah... she looks just like me!" PomPom said. "Welcome, fellow Pomily member!"

While all the other monster were admiring the new monster, you managed to sneak away.

"Come on!" PomPom said. "Let's go to my room in the castle! That's where me and the rest of the Pomily lives!"

(Fast forward to night time)

You were outside once again, trying to find a comfortable position on the ground and avoid the lava cracks, but then you heard a familiar voice.

"Hey, uh, are you M/n?" Hoola asked. You nodded.

"Why are you sleeping outside?" She questioned.

You explained about how you got here and how the other monsters exclude you.

"Oh, that's terrible." Hoola said. "Do you want to come to our room?"

You nodded and thanked her for the offer. You and Hoola went to the Pomily's room, and you saw the PomPom from earlier baking a cake in the oven (the castle is the Extravagant Castle, read its description if you're confused), a Sooza sitting on a couch watching TV, and a Rooba fast asleep in their bed. You asked why they're up so late.

"Oh, we Pomily members don't need as much sleep as the other monsters. Rooba, though, just really likes sleeping." Hoola explained. Then you asked how Sooza and Rooba are on this island.

"Oh, we just brought them here. They wanted to come with us to Earth Island." Hoola said.

"Hey, Hoola, who is this?" PomPom asked. You were a bit surprised that PomPom didn't know who you were, but then Hoola explained it.

"They're M/n, from a different island. They were trying to sleep outside, but I found them and invited them to come in here." Hoola said.

"Well," PomPom said, smiling, "It appears you've found quite the looker!"

You chuckled and blushed a bit, and then thanked PomPom for the compliment. However, PomPom's slight flirting seemed to make Hoola a bit uncomfortable.

"Hey, uh... Hoola?" You asked. "C-can I-"

"Lemme guess, you're asking if you can lean on me? Go for it," Hoola accepted.

You leaned onto her shoulder. Her fur was really soft... silky... comforting... you started to drift off to sleep. Hoola gets pretty comfortable and starts falling asleep too.

(Fast forward to the next morning)

You and Hoola are still sound asleep, but then your slumber was interrupted by Sooza's voice.

"Hey lovebirds, wake up! There's somethin' going on outside!" She said.

You and Hoola then suddenly woke up and wiped the drool from your mouths. "LOVEBIRDS?!" you both cried in unison.

You and the Pomily members ran out to see what was going on. Then you noticed the floor was rumbling. Suddenly, an enormous gray spike broke through the floor in the middle of the island, and then it started... going up and down. With every downwards movement, a loud cymbal was heard.

"What the heck is that?" Noggin yelled.

Cybop went over to hole. "Yup. It's what I think it is. That's Torrt."

"Torrt?" You ask.

"The celestial for the Earth element." Cybop explained.

"What's it doing here?" PomPom asked.

"I think this happens once every 10 years," Cybop said, "Where Celestial Island gets so close to the Natural Islands that the ground breaks."

All of a sudden, a big crack opened up in the floor right underneath Hoola, and Hoola fell in,


Everything after that was kind of a blur. There was you yelling and jumping down the hole, everyone screaming at you, and a green monster catching you, probably Humbug because he was one of the only monsters on the island that was fine with you being there. Once you landed on Humbug, you snapped back to reality, and you and Humbug flew down. Hoola was about to land in a pool of lava, but you caught her by grabbing onto her hand just in the nick of time. You, Hoola and Humbug flew back up to the surface, with everyone applauding you. And something tells you that the other monsters won't treat you badly after this moment.

(fast forward to night time again)

You and Hoola went into the Pomily's room feeling very tired. That whole crack crisis really drained you both of energy. You both sat down on the couch, and you slowly closed your eyes... but then you felt a quick smooch on your cheek.

You looked over, and Hoola was blushing heavily. Then she gave you a big hug and kissed you on the cheek again, and again, and again about a dozen times-  and then, you both started to nod off to sleep. You were leaning on Hoola's shoulder once again, and you whispered a quick "I love you" quiet enough so that you though Hoola couldn't hear it. But then you could've sworn you heard a short "I love you too."

Awww, so cute...

Nobody actually requested this, but I just really wanted to make it. I hope requests will start rolling in soon though!

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