🎆🎆Whiz-bang x reader🎆🎆

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In this story, you're a seasonal representing the Day of Silence (look it up if you don't know what it is)

Seasonal Shanty isn't exactly the most exciting place. You're literally just sitting on a raft in the middle of the ocean. Although, it does certainly have fun times, especially when all the Seasonals come together to sing their signature song. Well, so you've heard.

You're the newest seasonal, M/n, representing the Day of Silence, and hence your name, you've always been the shy type. In fact, you've never actually participated in the song before because you're just too anxious and just hide in the castle the whole time. You've almost never spoken either, and you long for the day that you'll just get over your silence and be able to sing.

Then one day, you decided to peek out of the castle to see what the song actually looked like, and then you saw all the monsters, but you barely know any of them. However, then you spotted a floating rainbow cloud. You immediately look for it on the castle computer, and find out it's called Whiz-bang, and it's the pride month seasonal. YES! That means it'll be a lot easier to make them your friend since your holidays are both LGBTQ related. And also, as much as you didn't want to admit it, you did have a bit of a crush on them.

You were afraid, though, as it seemed that Whiz-bang had lots of friends, but you decided to give it a try. You opened the castle door and peeked your head out, and started to walk out, and then everyone gasped. "Maybe this was a bad idea..." you thought. You started to go back into the castle when Whiz-bang said, "No, wait! This is the first time you've been outside the castle since you were bred!"

You blushed a bit, being surprised at Whiz-bang talking to you for the first time, but you decided to come back out.

"H-hey. My names M/n." you said.

"I'm Whiz-bang! This is the first time I've heard you speak!" Whiz-bang said, "What's your holiday?"

"The Day of Silence..." you said quietly.

"Oh, sweet!" Whiz-bang exclaimed, "We're both LGBTQ monsters!"

You nodded.

"I bet you're gonna have a lot of fun joining in the song!" Whiz-bang assured.

(Fast forward to the evening)

After participating in Seasonal Shanty's song for the first time ever, you needed a break from all that social interaction, and sat by the castle to take a nap. However, just when you were about to close your eyes, you heard a voice.

"Hey, guys!"

You opened your eyes to what looked like a mutant green rat thing.

"Who's that?" you whispered to Blabbit.

"That's Ffidyll." Blabbit explained, "They left Shanty to go to Faerie Island a few weeks ago."

Ffidyll had a distressed look on their face and said, "All the Faerie Island monsters are MISSING!"

Everyone gasped.

"We have to find them!!!" Ffidyll yelled.

"But how?" Boo'qwurm asked, "They could be anywhere!"

"Let's split up into groups!" Punkleton suggested.

"But how many people will be in the groups?" Boo'qwurm asked.

"I think it should be pairs," Carillong said, "There are 16 monsters here, so that means 8 pairs."

So then everyone got into pairs.

"Gobbley-gobbley-gah?" Gobbleygourd gobbled to Spurrit.

"Huzzah!" Spurrit replied.

"The annoying ones are in a group together," Blabbit said, "But I was gonna take Spurrit because of how fast he is."

"And I was gonna take Gobbleygourd, so I guess we're partners." Punkleton anticipated.

While everyone else was getting into pairs, you were still sitting by the castle being shy again, when Whiz-bang walked- er, floated over to you.

"Hey!" Whiz-bang said, "Wanna be partners?"

"Oh, uh..." you stammered, "I-I-I don't really know if... well I guess if you... uh... sure?"

"Great!" Whiz-bang exclaimed as they grabbed your hand. Normally you would pull your hand away when someone tried to hold it, but hold Whiz-bang's hand seemed to make you particularly calm inside.

"Alright!" Ffidyll said, "Are we all in pairs?"

"Yep!" everyone said.

"Then let's go find my friends!"

All the pairs proceeded to sail away from the island in different directions.

(Fast forward to you and Whiz-bang arriving at a forest)

"Aw, come on!" you complained, "Why'd we have to end up in forest? We won't be able to see anything through the trees!"

You both traveled deeper and deeper into the forest, and started to hear some unnerving sounds. A loud moan came from the other side of the forest, and you weren't used to jumpscares such as that, so it really spooked you.

"Ah!" you yelled.

A scream came from another part of the forest, and you could hear footsteps behind you.

"Ah! Ah! AH!" you exclaimed as you fell on the floor and curled up into a ball, "I'm scared!"

"Oh, M/n..." Whiz-bang said, "Please don't cry."

They held your hand in patted you on the back. Then they gave you a quick kiss on the forehead.

Your eyes widened and you blushed heavily. You stood back up.

"I can hold your hand if it'll calm you down." Whiz-bang suggested. You nodded.

You walked further into the forest, hearing more creepy sounds, but you stayed calm with
Whiz-bang holding your hand.

Then, at a certain point, you both heard a very faint, "Wimmie-wow wimmie-wow wimmie-wow, wimmie-wow wimmie-wow wimmie- woah no..."

The two of you followed the sound, and got louder and louder and louder until you saw a two headed mushroom through the bushes.

"Is that... one of them?" Whiz-bang whispered.

"I think so..." you guessed, "I'm pretty sure it's called Camtoe roly-poly or something?"

Then the mushroom's smaller head heard you and looked over, seeing you and Whiz-bang.

"Well, you were close," the smaller head said, "The name's Cantorell. Nice to meet you."

"What's wrong with that head?" you asked.

"Oh, him?" the smaller head said, "He has... issues."

"Me a roly poly! Eh-heh-heh-heh-heh..." the bigger head said.

"Now, who are you guys, are you dating or something?" the smaller head asked.

"W-what?" you asked, "No, no..."

"Then why are you two holding hands?"

You looked down to realize you were still holding Whiz-bang's hand. You were about to pull your hand away and say, "No we aren't" when you suddenly felt a small smooch on your cheek.

You looked over at Whiz-bang, and they were blushing. Then you started to blush.

"Whiz-bang... you... you really-"

Whiz-bang nodded.

You then smiled and hugged them.

You, Whiz-bang (who was now holding your hand again), and Cantorell all walked back to the boat and sailed back to Seasonal Shanty. When you got back, you found that everyone else had found the other Faerie monsters too. You all cheered and sent them and Ffidyll away back to Faerie Island.

Now, you on the other hand, used to be a shy, introverted monster who rarely spoke. But now, with Whiz-bang by your side, you knew that you could truly make friends and be more outgoing. So then you, Whiz-bang, and the rest of the Seasonal Shanty monsters lived happily ever after.

I know, I know, the endings corny, but I still hope you enjoyed :)

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