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The screen lit up once again, on the Russian man's computer. The car had been spotted once again, and wherever it was heading it was heading there fast.

"Свяжитесь со Штрукером!" he yelled into his earpiece, once again he could feel his excitement eating at him from the inside. ("Contact Strucker!")

"Что это?" Strucker replied, his voice full of authority. ("What is it?")

"машина вернулась сэр." ("The car is back sir.")

"Что он делает?!" Strucker asked excitedly. ("What is it doing?!")

The man looked at the screen in front of him that was trailing every move the woman's car made, "Он направляется к восточной границе." ("It is heading to the eastern border.")

"Узнайте, куда они направляются. БЫСТРО!" Strucker yelled they weren't getting away like the others.... ("Find out where they are going. QUICKLY!")

The man looked at his screen, watching the car take a series of turns that pointed to only one direction, he grinned to himself this was too easy... "они вроде едут в Германию," he announced, he could hear his boss pushing himself up from whatever it was he was doing. (They seem to be going to Germany,")

"Отлично, у нас есть подразделение рядом. Они будут расположены у реки Одра. Закройте главную дорогу когда они рядом," he replied. ("Perfect, we have a unit close by. They will be positioned off of the Odra River. Close the main road when they are close",)

"да сэр," The man responded. ("Yes sir", )

Strucker smiled at the picture of Roslyn and the twins, "Мы скоро встретимся, мои питомцы." he whispered, his fingers trailing over the the three smiling faces that stared up at him.  (We will meet soon my pets.")

Three hours later, the small family of three made it to the German border. Roslyn frowned when she noticed the main road was closed off, she turned the car onto the detour road and started driving over the rocky hillside. Mere moments after her car was no longer in sight, six agents removed the road work sign, so they could get what they came for. Half an hour passed and the small family was now near the top of the hill. Roslyn was cautious while on the road, she didn't particularly enjoy high places, which was ironic considering that Asgard was a kingdom full of them. As she drove, she noticed a black car that was following her a little too closely, when she turned down a stray road it had copied her action; when she sped up a little, it followed. No matter what she did, the car never left her sight and she could feel her blood running cold, this wasn't good. Then she saw it, at the top of the hill, there was a large truck, with several people surrounding it in the distance. Despite their attempts to hide from her, she could sense that they were there. She knew she fell right into their trap and she'd be damned if they succeeded in getting what they wanted. She started thinking of a plan to get away, to keep her babies safe; she didn't care if they got her, but she knew that if they got her at this moment, they'd have the girls. Suddenly, she swerved the car around the large truck in front of them and made sure she drove as fast as she could down the rocky hillside. She desperately looked in the mirror and saw that now there were two cars behind her trying to catch up. Her breath hitched, when she felt her car lurch forward. Then it happened again, as the HYDRA agent in the car behind her rammed into the back of her small car once again. The third time, he hit the car harder than before and she hurriedly tried to correct it but she was too late. The car plummeted off the side of the rock hill, the driver side of the car hitting the hillside several times as it fell. The only thing Roslyn could hear was the screams of her children, but she soon realized that some of them were hers as well. But soon everything fell silent, the car stopped its plummet towards the earth and a loud crash echoed throughout the countryside of Germany and then she slipped into darkness.

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