CHAPTER ONE: The Beginning

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The fiery redhead was leaning against the large window of her room that overlooked the kingdom of Asgard. She was smiling gently as she caressed her stomach as she looked out the window. Excitement was bubbling up within her, she couldn't wait to tell him the good news; he'd be so happy. Her and Loki were getting married in six months and after their wedding he'd soon become a father. She looked forward to telling him the news once he returned from his adventures with Thor.

A guard knocked lightly on the large oak door.

"Come in," a faint voice called.

The man opened the door to reveal a beautiful young woman who was wearing a long-sleeved blue dress. She had placid, white-pink skin that was paired with bright green eyes. Her eyes looked like they held worlds within them, they were shining with intelligence. She turned around to face him.

"Lady Roslyn," the guard greeted.

"Why hello Hastien," she greeted him.

"The Allfather requests your presence in the throne room."

"Thank you, Hastien. I will be there shortly." she replied.

The guard bowed before shutting the large door behind him.

Roslyn quickly pulled her long fiery red hair back into a neat bow with her powers before she left to see her soon to be father-in-law. She followed the man who had waited for her outside her room down the long windy corridor's of the palace as they walked through it.

King Odin, the Allfather, waited for the woman he'd called to his throne room. A guard pushed the large double doors open and guided the redhead in behind him. She stopped for a second and bowed before him and gave him a small curtsey. 

"Hello Allfather." she greeted.

"Lady Roslyn." the man replied coldly, he held back his scoff of disdain.

"What do I owe this honor?" she asked gently.

Odin didn't reply to the woman, instead he looked the woman in front of him up and down. She was a beautiful woman, he could see why his son fancied her. However she was not fit for a queen and she never would be. She was not a goddess or a warrior, instead she was a simple elemental, a celestial being. A half angel, half Asgardian who played with fire and things of the earth. Her bright red hair and shimmering green eyes were standing out against her placid white skin as she looked at him for an answer.

"Leave my son." he announced finally, his voice booming through the room.

"I-I'm sorry?" she asked, silently asking for him to repeat himself.

"I said leave my son."

"But why Allfather?"

"You are not fit to be a princess, let alone the future queen of Asgard."

"May I ask why?" she asked. She was curious to know why he was doing this, the man used to like her as a girl. She'd been friends with Thor for a very long time, it was how she met Loki in the first place. He'd been like a father to her until she'd started courting Loki, then things had changed.

"A queen is a warrior, or born into the crown. An elemental, a simple Asgardian, will never sit in the throne of Asgard." he announced, his voice booming.

Roslyn stood stunned at his words, she knew he didn't approve of her. Loki had promised that he'd be accepting of her eventually, since she brought him joy, but the man she loved seemed wrong. "I will have to refuse this order, Allfather."

"You dare to disobey me, woman?!"

Roslyn took a deep breath, "Yes I do. I love Loki and cannot bear to leave him."

"I see then, I shall banish you."

"You cannot banish me Allfather!" she pleaded, she decided to tell him of her pregnancy, she hoped he'd change his mind when she told him about his future grand children.

"I gave you a chance to do what's right Roslyn," he replied, his voice like poison.

"Please!-" She started.

"I Odin, the Allfather, King of Asgard, cast you Roslyn Heniadottir out. Never to return to this realm or any. I banish you." He stated, thrusting Gungnir towards her.

Roslyn was banished before she could tell him that she was going to make him a grandfather.


Loki and Thor returned to Asgard from the journey and battles.

"Are you glad to be home brother?" Thor asked.

"Yes, I will see you later dear brother; I'm off to see my queen." Loki announced, disappearing down the hall to go to his beloved's room. "I'm here my love, oh I have missed you dearly." he stated, arriving to find the room empty. There was not sign of Roslyn, her belongings, or anything they had shared left in the room that she stayed in. "My love?" he called. He ran around the castle, looking for the woman he loved but couldn't find her. "Balder, where is my betrothed?" he demanded to the guard who was waiting outside of his room.

"We are not allowed to speak of her any longer, my prince," the guard informed him.

"Why not?"

"You must ask the Alfather, my prince" the guard replied, bowing and leaving before Loki could question him further.

Loki made his way quickly to the throne room where his family stood.


"Hello my son." the man greeted, his tone was as cold as ever.

"Where is Roslyn?" the raven-haired god demanded.

"You will not find her here or in any of the nine realms Loki." his father announced.

"Father, what have you done?" Thor asked.

"What needed to be." Odin replied.

"Father, where is my queen?" Loki asked.

"She has been banished."

"Why? What has she done!"

"She is not fit for Asgard. She was never fit for a queen."

"But father," Loki protested.

"NO! That woman had no place on the throne let alone in my castle."

"She was my betrothed!" Loki yelled angrily.

"Don't yell at you father my dear boy," Frigga said trying to calm her son.

"Where is she?"

"She will not be found nor will she return to Asgard for the rest of her days."


"I have spoken." Odin replied, his firm voice, "You will marry someone else. A women of promise and of good will for the throne." he told Loki.

"I refuse. Roslyn is my queen. If I cannot have her, then I will rule myself, without a queen."

"You will not be King then." Odin replied.

"Keep your foolish throne then father, for I want it no longer!" Loki yelled as he quickly left the throne room.

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