CHAPTER TWO: A new Life and Escaping Dangers

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After her banishment, Roslyn was put on Earth by the bifrost. For the first time in her life, she was alone, and she was heartbroken. Roslyn quickly learned the languages of the land; she engrossed herself in the culture of the people around her in an effort to fit in. She soon found a place to live in a cottage from a little old lady who took pity upon her; she soon learned that she was in a country called Holland. She took up the name Rose Anne Lynd-Montgomery, a name of Dutch origin and started studying names for her children and prepared for her future.


She had twins, two beautiful baby girls. The older one, was named Adrienne. She was a gentle spirited child with fiery red hair and green eyes that mirrored her own. The younger one was named Aiden; she was different from her sister, a feisty little girl. She was tiny but fierce, she had jet black hair and similar green eyes to those of her own. Both her daughters, especially Aiden, made the woman yearn for Loki, to show him the beautiful children they had created together. However after the birth of her daughters, she pushed away the thoughts of what could have been. She knew once banished from Asgard, that there was nothing they could do that could ever change Odin's mind. She would never return home and she could never look for the man either. She had her children to take care of, she couldn't run off and try to find him. So she left it to him, she knew that eventually he'd find her and their children and they'd live together happily for the rest of their lives.


The twins were now three and half, and were still as different as night and day. While both gentle, they had large differences in their temperaments. Adrienne was more patient and timid, she was shy. She liked the animals and could speak with them just like her mother could. Her red hair became curly over time and her eyes a brighter green. Aiden on the other hand, was a ball of fire. She was stubborn and headstrong, just like her father. She could make doubles of herself, making it difficult to figure out which one was the real one; she'd learned to do this when she wanted to avoid consequences for her actions. She had an affinity for playing tricks, just as her father did when he was younger. Both girls had fire powers, which they were too little to control. Roslyn had figured this out one day when they both got angry and caught flames, it had startled her at first, but she knew it was too come; all the women in her family had the abilities of fire. She had learned the signs of when it would happen, much like her own mother did when she was a child. When their eyes would narrow and their skin would start to get hot and turn pink before small flames started dancing along their tiny bodies. She learned to try to keep them calm since they were too young to control this power, she'd taught them breathing techniques and counting in order to stay calm. She had learned when she arrived in Midgard that the midgardians here did not possess the powers she or her children did. She learned to hide her powers and wanted to keep her children safe, they were an anomaly here. It was dangerous for them to show what they could do. So life went on, teaching her children to control their emotions from a young age, to control their powers, and to never show the people around them what they could do. When the girls were old enough to start asking where their father was, she told them he left to protect them and that one day he'd find them. She gave them bits of information over the next couple years, but never much. It was painful to talk about it, bringing up memories that part of her wished to forget.


The man in the Russian uniform, sat watching the cameras of all the buildings around him; he was looking for the one thing they needed. Suddenly his attention was drawn to a woman and her two children. The two young children were crying in the middle of a grocery store aisle, but that is not what caught his eye, he could personally care less that the preschool-aged children were distraught. The two children, that he presumed to be girls, were on fire. However, they appeared unhurt, but the longer they stayed a flame, the larger the flames grew. The angrier they became, the brighter the red flames glowed and the more panicked the woman with them became. The flames seemed to not hurt her either as she aimed to calm the two children down, then he saw it, the woman's hands glowed a whitish-blue color like ice. She gently caressed each child's face and slowly, the children calmed. The glowing red children turned back to normal and she quickly ushered them out of the store. He quickly changed the camera and watched her as she looked around. She quickly put the two small girls in a blue car and drove away. He saw the license plate and quickly wrote it down, KN10473, before calling his superiors to tell him of his discovery.

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