Chapter 2: Different

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Warning: This chapter contains Mild language

After hearing this scream, you turn your head to where it came from and what you saw made your eyes widen. Cardin and his team were picking on a rabbit faunus, pulling her ears and calling her names. The others at the table felt sorry for her but didn't take action since they didn't want to get in trouble with Ozpin, but (Y/N) wasn't going to sit by and watch as this person got bullied

"Oi, Cardin!!!"
Team CRDL stops to see where the call came from, they lock eyes with an angry (Y/N)

"Leave her alone! She hasn't done anything to you!" you say, seething with angry

"Yes she has. She is a Faunus" Said Russel

"That doesn't give you the right to pick on her" says (F/N), backing you up

Cardin pushes the rabbit girl to the ground "And what are you going to do about it?" He says, waiting for your answer

"Im going to kick your ass" you pound your fists and crack your knuckles and begin to walk over to Cardin, only to be stopped by Yang grabbing your arm. You turn around and stare into her eyes

"It's not worth it (Y/N), don't do it" she says, hoping you will listen

"Seriously, if you're going to fight, do it away from my food" Weiss says, not caring about the situation but instead continues to file her nails while Johnny hits on her

"They're right (Y/N), you'll get in trouble with Professor Ozpin" Zilanna gives you a worried look, hoping you'll listen so you won't get suspended

You stare at her for a moment before pulling your arm away and saying "Well, Ozpin can shove it then"

They all give you a shocked look... Well except Johnny who smiles at you and says "That's my boy! Show him a lesson!"

You walk over to Cardin with your fists clenched and your face riddled with anger, Cardin and Russell get themselves ready to fight while Lark and Dove sit there and watch, confident that Cardin and Russell can handle you

The thing they don't know is your Semblance: The element of smoke. Which Allows you to go invisible, teleport via turning into smoke, and sending enemies flying with a smoke blast. There are some other moves you are sure you can do, but you'd rather not test them on humans and definitely not in a confined space

When you get into melee distance of Cardin, he tries swinging at you but you dodge that and uppercut him, sending him stumbling back until he hits a table. Russel sees this opportunity to jump off the table and attempt to kick you in the face, fortunately for you he left his legs spread apart, so you move slightly to the side and catch the foot he was going to kick you with under your arm, then you grip a handful of clothing on his chest and slam him into the ground, disabling his Aura in the process, he gets up and walks tiredly out of the lunchroom, the wind clearly knocked out of him.

Then you turn around to get a face full of metal, because Cardin threw a food tray at you, shaking yourself back to your senses, you hear foot steps coming closer at a fast pace, so you turn yourself invisible, leaving a smoke cloud behind before it disappears and reveals that you disappeared also. Cardin looks around, trying to see where his enemy went "Hey, stop hiding, coward!!!". He feels a tap on his shoulder and turns around to an evil smile from his enemy, (Y/N) before receiving a punch in the face, making him stumble back a bit. He tries to swing at you again but you dodge it and slam your fists on both sides of his face simultaneously, stunning him before you grab his shoulders and knee him in the stomach a few times, then as he is bent down holding his stomach, you backflip kick his chin and send him flying 5 feet off the ground before he lands on his back and his Aura disappears, signaling that he is defeated. Cardin gets up and makes his way towards the lunchroom exit clutching his stomach, he says before walking out " You'll pay for this, (Full Name)"

"Sorry, but I don't have any money at the moment. Can I request you put it on my tab?" You say with the biggest smirk you can make, causing him to boil with anger before walking out of the lunchroom.

You turn your attention to Velvet, who was on her knees silently sobbing. You walk towards her and kneel down in front of her, stretching your hand out to lift her up, "Hey. Need a hand?"

She looks up at you after wiping her tears, "Thank you" she says, her soft voice rang through your ears and was permanently embedded into your mind and heart, you never felt this way towards a girl before, you feel a heat in your face and get a weird feeling in your stomach

"N-no problem" you say

'What the hell... Did I just... Stutter?! And what are these weird effects I'm feeling' you snap yourself out of thought as she puts her hand on yours and you pull her up

"I'm Velvet Scarlatina, what's your name?"

"Umm... Uh. Dang it, what was it?! Oh yeah! My name is (Full Name)! Yeah, that's right... (Full Name)"

She giggles at how strange you're acting
"Well (Full Name), Thank you very much for fighting off Team CDRL for me, I rarely see kindness from people, mostly males because of my faunus heritage"

"Y-yeah, glad I could help" you say smiling and rubbing the back of your neck

"(Full Name)!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" A loud female voice rings through the lunchroom

Everyone turns their heads and sees the Magic Huntress herself, Glynda Goodwitch

"Uh O- WHOA WHOA!!! HEY!!!!" you start yelling as a magic field is put around you and you start floating

"To Professor Ozpin's office with you!" She turns around and makes her way to Professor Ozpin's office, bringing you with her

You take one last look at Velvet and smile brightly at her, causing her to giggle and smile back. Hell, you're in loads of trouble but it doesn't feel too bad now that the little rabbit faunus is hopping around in your mind

To be continued...

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