Morgan: they're snacks.

Crystal: [side eye] since when does raspberry tea, hot wings, dates, castor oil and spicy noodles classify as snacks?

Morgan: [sighs] okay fineee you got me. I was searching the internet for safe home remedies that can help induce labor and these were the top picks.

Crystal: -pissed- [sucks her teeth] Morgan please get tf out and take your "snacks" with you!

Morgan: Crystal don't be like that, I was just trying to help.

Crystal: I didn't ask for your fuckin help! This baby will come whenever she's ready, I'm so tired of y'all tryna force this shit. Please just get out!!!

Morgan: okay fine I'll go but I'm leaving the snacks here with you, take some time to rest and then I'll come check on you later.

Crystal: no don't bother coming back, matter fact just go back to Tennessee and leave me and my baby alone!!!

Crystal grabbed the packet of dates from the side table and threw it at Morgan while yelling at her to get out. Morgan immediately got the message and left out the room leaving Crystal in distress on the bed.


Devale: did it work?

Morgan: [exhales] nope, that heffa threw the "snacks" right in my face.

Devale: damn, I'm sorry about that Morgan. I don't know what's been going on with her lately.

Morgan: it's fine, it's not your fault and it's not hers either. I think she's just stressed out and anxious about the baby's arrival.

Devale: yeah she definitely is, Dr Avery said she needs to get her emotions in check asap because all this pent up aggression is not good for her and the baby. I don't know what else to do, these past few months have been actual hell and she refuses all kinds of help.

Morgan: I think I know what or who she needs, but convincing her to come here is gonna be mission fuckin impossible!

Devale: (sighs) you mean Ms Gladys?

Morgan: [nods] yes, the one and only. I think Crissy was not being truthful about how their fallout affected her. In fact, I think she may be suffering from prenatal depression.

Devale: you know what, I think you're right! She's been acting strong but the other day I checked her phone while she was sleeping and I saw that she has been calling Ms Gladys almost everyday.

Morgan: (shocked) what? Really!? So did she answer any of the calls?

Devale: [shrugs] I don't think so, because they were all marked as outgoing calls but none of them seem to have been answered.

Morgan: shit this is worse than I thought!! Bro this Saturday is the day when Crissy will hit the 42 week mark of her pregnancy.

Devale: yeah I know and Dr Avery said that if she's not in labor by then, she's gonna have to be induced or even opt for a c-section.

Morgan: okay let's not panic!This gives me T-minus 2 days to fly back to Tennessee and go beg our mother to come and make amends with Crystal for the sake of her and the baby.

Devale: how are you gonna do that?

Morgan: [shrugs] I don't know D but I promise imma try everything in my power, let me get going and please call me if there are any changes.

Devale: alright I will, thanks for everything Morgan.

-Morgan grabbed her purse and headed to the airport while Devale went upstairs to go check on Crystal.

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