Playing with flowers pt2.

Start from the beginning

"ALL DONE!" You exclaimed plopping down on one of the border couches

"Yep, we make a good team sunbeam!" He laughed

"We sure do" you replied leaning back with a smile

"oh sunny" you sat up looking over at him

"Y-yes,...." He relied nervously

"Can I pop over to the gift shop really quick" you asked looking over at him

"What do you want from there, we can CERTAINLY GET YOU ANYTHING YOU LIKE" he exclaimed jumping up

"I wanted to get rings, since we can't wear our flower ones" you smiled

He paused "you want to keep matching rings...?" He asked spinning his face plate

"I do, it was such a sweet gesture and I'd like to cherish it" you replied smiling up at him

"I..I'll be back..." he stuttered before skipping off

     He returned a moment later with a little box the box was blue and yellow. He opened the box and revealed two matching blue and yellow rings with a sun and moon on each of them. They were pretty much ring with the color scheme of sun and moon in one (*cough eclipse *cough).

  "They're very cute" you gasped holding out your hand

Sun took it gently in his and slipped the smaller ring on your finger. You took the slightly bigger one and did the same to his finger. You then looked up at him and smiled. He turned away quickly as if he was shy his hands fidgeting with yours.

"You're pretty cute sun" you chuckled a big smile crossing your face

"..." sun paused tilting his head as he looked at you

"What is it?" You asked a smile still on your lips as you held his hand in yours

"You're...c-c-cuter..." he trailed off taking your other hand in his intertwining your fingers

"Why are you so shy we're already married Yknow" you teased him

"M-m-married" he replied stuttering

"Yep remember you gave me a ring so we're married now" you replied raising an eyebrow

"I-I-uh.." his voice box skipped

" want a divorce..." you said sadly looking to the side

"NO NO NO WAY OF COURSE NOT! Sun panicked flailing his hands

"Good then I don't see any issue" you smiled giving him a hug

He tended up "uh you l-like me...even a little now..." he asked

"Hmm well, you're certainly cute and I'm sure moon is too, besides I'm pretty sure I'll be happy with you so I can settle for you" you sighed partly messing with him

"Well even if you tried to be with anyone else... a-anyway only settling" He asked sadly

"I'm just joking, yes I like you guys, you guys are the coolest of the animatronics after all!" You chuckled "what do you mean by what you said?" You asked

"Oh uh well...moon is a bit...well he gets jealous...easily ..." sun said partly avoiding the question

"I can handle that" you shrugged taking a step back from him

He looked like a puppy when you put some distance between the two of you. You were sure you'd have a blast just teasing him but of course the moon would be the one teasing you. You would come to know just how strong their love for you was in time.

As your first day with your husband came to a close you actually felt that you made a good choice. Working here was good pay and you now had a cute and cool animatronic who loved you. What more could you ask for, you even had exclusive access to s/n's favorite place.

You felt a tug on the bottom of your shirt, you turned to see sun looking down his hand on your shirt. He really did look like a puppy and now you couldn't unsee it. You grabbed his hand gently looking up at him.

"What is it sunny?" You asked gently

"Is it time for you to go..." he asked sadly

"Hmm I suppose it is but I work here now so I'll be back tomorrow" you replied quietly

"C-can you stay.." he asked

"Well I did promise s/n she could come see you so maybe I'll come back with her later" you smiled

"...that's fine but next time can it be just us two.." he asked nervously

"And why is that?" You asked curiously

".........." There was a long pause "kids can't see..."

"What do you me-" he cut you off grabbing your shoulders and leaning down to your ear

"Kids can't see what we want to do to you" he whispered in your ear

You flinched 'where did the sudden confidence come from' you thought a bit flustered

"See you in a bit" he chuckled his hands dropping to his sides

"...o-ok" now you were flustered oh how the tables had turned

You weren't going to let him win that easily tho so you pulled him down placing a kiss on his cheek. You turned to leave speeding to the door, your stomach doing flips. You grabbed the cool handle of the door and pulled it open but before you stepped out sun called to you.

"When you come back I want a real kiss sunshine or you'll be banned from leaving" he said his voice fluctuating from high to low

"Got it..." you replied not looking his way before walking out the door

Part 3?

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