A New Dragon

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Aemond and Daenera were fast asleep in their comfortable bed when they were suddenly awakened by Aenys, crying out in the darkness. Daenera quickly stirred and rubbed the sleep from her eyes, trying to discern what was wrong with her son.

"Aenys, what's wrong? What happened?" she asked softly as she leaned over to him.

"I had a nightmare," he sniffled, his little voice trembling with fear.

"Shh, it's okay, my love," she whispered as she wrapped her arms around her son and pulled him close. "Come sleep with me, and I'll protect you from any bad dreams."

Aemond stirred slightly but remained asleep, used to the routine of their son's nightmares. Daenera picked up Aenys and placed him between her and Aemond, cuddling him tightly as she stroked his hair and whispered soothing words to him.

"See, my love? You're safe now. Mama's here," she whispered as she kissed his forehead.

He snuggled closer to his mother, his breathing slowly becoming more even as he drifted off to sleep.

As the night wore on, Aemond eventually stirred and became aware of the extra warmth in their bed. He smiled sleepily, knowing that his wife had taken their son in to comfort him. He gently wrapped an arm around both of them and drifted off to sleep.

The sun had already risen when Aenys finally woke up from his peaceful slumber. He stretched his arms and rubbed his sleepy eyes, looking up at his mother's face with a sleepy smile.

"Morning, mommy." He said softly.

"Good morning, my love," Daenera replied with a warm smile. "Did you sleep well?"

He nodded, snuggling closer to his mother. Then, suddenly, he looked up at her with a serious expression.

"Can I have milk?" he asked, softly feeling slightly embarrassed.

"You stopped years ago. Why now?" She asked, smiling down at him.

He shrugged and played with his fingers.

She gently pulled her night shirt down and held Aenys close to her chest. "Here you go."

He eagerly latched onto her breast, his little hands curling around her nipple as he began to suckle. Daenera smiled down at him.

She stroked Aenys' hair as he nursed, whispering soft words of love and comfort to him.

Soon enough, Aenys had finished his meal and was snuggled up against his mother once again, his little body warm and content.

"Thank you," he said softly, his eyes drooping with sleepiness.

Aemond awoke and rubbed his eyes. He leaned over and tickled Aenys' side, causing him to squirm and laugh with delight.

"You're so ticklish, my little dragon," Aemond chuckled as he continued to tickle his son. "Are you going to be a fierce warrior like your father?"

Aenys giggled and squirmed, his little body wriggling with excitement. Daenera joined in the tickling, running her fingers over Aenys' belly and causing him to laugh even harder.

As they played and laughed, Daeron watched from the sidelines, feeling left out and forgotten.

He climbed onto his parents' bed and pushed Aenys away from his mother. "My mommy."

"Ok ok hey its okay. I'm here." She said, holding his hands.

She immediately sensed her youngest son's need for attention and love. She pulled him close, kissing his forehead and running her fingers through his hair.

She tickled his belly and made him laugh.

Aemond joined in the fun, tickling Daeron's sides and making him giggle with delight. As the four of them played and laughed together, Daenera felt a deep sense of joy and gratitude.

"Can you take the boys today?" She asked Aemond.

"To do what? I have no knowledge of the North or cold weather. In fact, Daenera, my balls are so cold that I feel like they're going to freeze off." He replied.

"I need to look over the accounts and speak to my brother. I'll have some of the servants bring you and the boys some warmer clothing, and you can take them for a walk in the snow."

"Alright then." He agreed.

"And take Shira."

Just then, there was a knock at the door.

"Come in."

The servant entered the room shyly. "Sorry to disturb my lady, but it's the dragon eggs.."


Daenera Stark sat cross-legged on the floor of the Great Hall, as Aenys perched on her lap. In front of them lay a small clutch of dragon eggs, each one carefully tended and cared for in the hopes that they would one day hatch into a new generation of dragons.

Aenys was practically bouncing with excitement, his little hands clutching at his own egg as he watched eagerly for any sign of movement. Daenera smiled indulgently at her son, enjoying his infectious enthusiasm.

Beside them sat Daeron. He watched his brother with a mixture of curiosity and envy, clearly eager to see his own egg hatch as well.

As the minutes ticked by, Aenys grew more and more excited, his eyes never leaving his egg. And then, suddenly, there was a cracking sound, and a tiny fissure appeared on the surface of the egg.

"It's hatching!" Aenys cried, his face alight with joy.

Daenera leaned in closer, her own heart racing with anticipation. Slowly, the crack widened, and a small, scaly head emerged from the shell. Aenys squealed with delight as the tiny dragon wobbled unsteadily to its feet, its wings still wet and crumpled.

The room erupted into claps and applause. It's was the North, and no one here had ever seen and actually dragon hatch.

Daenera scooped up her son and the dragon, holding them both close as Aenys giggled and cooed in delight. The dragon nuzzled against him, its tiny tongue flicking out to taste the air.

"Congratulations, my sweet." She said, kissing Aerys's forehead.

But as the excitement continued, Daeron grew more and more despondent. His own egg remained stubbornly still, showing no signs of hatching. Daenera could see the disappointment in his eyes, and she felt a pang of sympathy for her youngest son.

"Your egg will hatch soon, my love," she said, trying to comfort him. "Every dragon hatches in its own time."

Daeron looked up at her. "I want my dragon," he said, his voice small and plaintive.

She hugged him close. "I know, sweetie," she said. "But sometimes we have to be patient and wait for the things we want. And when your dragon does hatch, it will be just as special as Aenys's."

Daeron watched his brother and father with the new dragon.

As if sensing Daeron's sadness, Shira padded over to the young boy and licked his face gently, her tail thumping against the floor in a reassuring rhythm.

His tears turned to giggles as he hugged the wolf's massive head, burying his face in her thick fur. Shira let out a contented rumble, clearly enjoying the attention.

Daenera watched the scene with a sense of quiet contentment, feeling grateful for the love and loyalty of her family and companions.

"Looks like someone is more Stark than Targaryen." Cregan joked, referring to Daeron.

"Looks like someone's more idiot than he looks." Daeron mumbled but not loud enough for Cregan to hear.

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