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Jude's childhood with her family was quite different from her life in the faerie realm. She grew up in the mortal world, along with her twin sister Taryn and her half-sister Vivi, who was half-faerie.

Jude's mother had been married to a mortal man, who had died in a car accident when Jude and Taryn were young. After his death, their mother had remarried a faerie named Madoc, who became their stepfather.

Madoc was a powerful and feared faerie, and he was determined to raise Jude and Taryn as strong warriors. He trained them in combat and magic, and he expected them to be able to defend themselves against any threat.

Despite the challenges she faced, Jude loved her family deeply. She was especially close to her sister Taryn, and the two of them often went on adventures together in the woods near their home.

Jude's relationship with Vivi, however, was more complicated. Vivi resented Madoc for taking her away from her faerie mother, and she often clashed with Jude and Taryn as a result. But despite their differences, Jude and Vivi still loved each other as sisters.

As she grew older, Jude began to realize that her life in the mortal world was not enough for her. She longed for the magic and adventure of the faerie realm, and she began to sneak away from home to explore the woods and the nearby faerie mounds.

These adventures would eventually lead Jude down a path that would change her life forever, but for now, she was content to explore the world around her and to spend time with her family.

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