The letters

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Jude was going through Cardan's letters when she found one that Cardan had written to her years ago. The letter was filled with heartfelt confessions and apologies, and Jude couldn't help but feel a rush of emotions as she read it.

She had always known that Cardan had a soft side, but she had never seen it so clearly before. In that moment, Jude realized that she had been wrong about Cardan all along. He wasn't the cruel prince that Jude had always thought him to be. He was just a boy who had been hurt and was trying to protect himself.

Jude knew that she had to confront Cardan about the letters. He couldn't keep pretending that everything was okay between them. So she went to find Cardan and showed him the letters.

At first, Cardan was angry. He didn't want Jude to see him as weak or vulnerable. But as Jude explained how the letter had made her feel, Cardan began to soften. He realized that he had been wrong to push Jude away all those years ago.

From that day forward, Jude and Cardan were closer than ever before. They talked about everything and anything, and they knew that they could always count on each other. They were still warriors, but they were also lovers and allies. And that was something that neither of them had ever had before.

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