"I'll call her," Daniel said as they all stepped forward. He fished out his phone and leaned against the wall, leaving the rest of them in uncomfortable silence.

Thankfully, Ryan slashed through it like a sledgehammer and threw an arm around Wes' shoulders. "Didn't think I'd see you here," he said.

Wes itched the back of his neck and released a line of laughter which hovered uncertainly. "Mer wanted to come so I thought I'd join," he explained.

Ade's head snapped.

"It's a good thing you did," Ryan said. "I saw Tanya up ahead."

"Say swear?"

"Yeah man." With that, Ryan led Wes away, leaving Miriam and Ade behind.

"This was your idea?" Ade asked.

"Surprised?" A glimmer of something bright and fun rippled across Miriam's face and reanimated it.

"You don't seem like the clubbing type," Ade admitted.

Miriam shrugged. "Yes, well, you don't exactly know me."

"Fairs, but I was thinking we change that."

Brow raised, Miriam said, "How do you propose you do that?"

"Over drinks, tomorrow night."

"That quick?"

"I'd say now, but we're already here."

"Fair," she laughed.

"So, what do you say? Tomorrow? You free?"

Miriam sucked in a stretch of air between her teeth and pushed it right back out, wincing like she tasted something sour. "I'm sure it would be great," she said.


"I have plans."


"Unbreakable plans."

"Oh." Ade stroked the back of his neck. Maybe Ryan was right, maybe there was no room for him.

"But." His eyes zipped back towards hers. "I am free Wednesday night," she said.


"Yeah, pick me up at eight?"

"It's a date."

They reached the front of the queue just as Abi arrived. Ade half-expected the bouncer to send her to the back, but he barley batted an eye as she slipped an arm through Miriam's and flashed her ID. They disappeared inside, leaving Ade and Daniel to be patted down roughly.

"Get your girl," Ade hissed.

"You know I can't get Abi to do—"

"Get your girl."

Once they were released from the bouncers insisting grip, they hurried into the club, taking the stairs two at a time. Abi and Miriam were waiting at the bottom, arm in arm, whispering in each other's ears. Abi must've said something funny because Miriam's eyes squeezed tight and her chest heaved, mouth gaping as silent laughter spilled out. Ade was certain if he strained a little harder, he could hear it. He could certainly feel it, the warmth, the joy, the beauty. It clung close, wrapping around his skin and melting, thick and fast, swelling until she stopped and only embers of her light remained.

"Where's Wes?" Abi asked, expectation colouring her features.

"He was ahead," Miriam said. "Saw some girl he used to fuck."

Ade flinched. Fuck, she doesn't say fuck.

"Anyway." She shrugged. "We've all slept with someone."

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