{18} ~Change~

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It had been a few days and I still had not received any communication from Suguru nor Satoru. The mission had taken longer than expected. But when both of the boys arrived home they had...changed.

"Saori, Suguru and Satoru are back," Shoko came over to my dorm to announce.

"Really? Suguru hasn't texted me at all," I remarked.

"That's what Yaga-sensei said. I haven't seen them though," she replied.

I decided to visit Suguru's dorm. I knocked once. No answer. I knocked again. Still no answer. I guess he's not in his dorm. I was going to walk away when suddenly another door opened. Satoru. My face lit up with excitement.

"Satoru!" I said happily. He gave me a weak smile in return.

"Hey wanna come in? I'm pretty sure Suguru's showering right now (his shower of contemplation)," he asked. I nodded as I went into Satoru's dorm. He wasn't his giggly expressive self though. There were bags under his eyes as if he hadn't slept in days.

"Are you okay? How was the mission?" I then asked as we sat on the couch.

"I'm just...tired. We failed..." he replied solemnly. His face was overcast with an imaginary shadow. His eyes no longer shone with their usual glow. I looked at him concerned. He noticed and slightly laughed to ease the mood.

"But the good thing is we're alive. Am I right?" he laughed lightly again. I pursed my lips together as I furrowed my eyebrows.

"Satoru..." I gently held his hand. He squeezed it tightly.

"I wasn't strong enough," he muttered under his breathe. I gently cocked my head to the side to look at his face hanging down.

"I won't say that everything is going to be okay or reassure you that you did your best or tell you not to worry because then I'd be lying, but I do know one thing: you're a good person Satoru. Please rest. If you need to talk I'm always here," I smiled weakly at him. He looked at me with a sympathetic face.

I have never seen Satoru with such an expression before. Not once. No snarky remark or arrogant comment. No goofy laugh or absurd face. It scared me.

I pulled him in for a hug. He hugged me back.

"You should get some sleep. You probably used your eyes for a very long time," I said. He nodded.

"Thank you Saori," he replied.

"Of course. I'm just a knock away so call me if you need anything. I'm going to see if Suguru is done."

I then made my way over to Suguru's dorm and knocked once more. I patiently waited for a few seconds until he opened the door. His face was the same as Satoru's. An imaginary shadow also overcast his face. His hair was damp as if he had just blow-dried it. He wore a black crewneck with grey sweats. A towel was thrown around his neck.

"Saori..." he said softly. I smiled and quickly embraced him in a hug. He stepped back from the force of my hug but smiled as well.

"You're okay," I remarked happily. I could feel his breathe as he sighed.

"More or less," he chuckled gently. We made our way to the couch and laid down.

I laid on top of him as he hugged me tightly.

"I was waiting for you," I said.

"I know," he gently kissed the top of my head.

"I was talking to Satoru earlier. Are you alright? Please answer me honestly," I asked. I looked up at him. His eyes were also very tired. I placed my hand on his cheek and swiped my thumb over his eye-bags as if wiping a tear from his face although there was only exhaustion.

He held my hand softly within his own.

"Why are we jujutsu sorcerers?" he asked in return.

"To protect the weak. That's what you always say," I replied.

"But at what expense? How much do we have to lose? We don't get any credit, but instead they ridicule us, call us crazy, and resent us," he said. I frowned.

"Well I guess we're not obligated to protect them but it's the right thing to do," I answered.

"It's the right thing to do for them. Not for us. We risk our lives everyday for greedy people who only hinder our own existence." he explained.

"Suguru what happened?" I got off of him and sat up.

"I just don't see the point anymore..." he replied.

I stared at him for a few seconds before saying something.

"So what are you going to do?" I asked, worried.

"I-I don't know...Something. I want to do something to change this-this system." he seemed frustrated.

I held his hand tightly and gave it a squeeze.

"Please don't do anything stupid."

He looked at me sadly and squeezed my hand back.

"I promise I'll protect you," he kissed me softly. I haven't felt his lips on mine in a while. It was comforting yet left me with another uneasy feeling.

"Go to sleep. You need to clear your head," I sighed. His eyes pleaded with disappointment and dejection at what I had said.

"Please stay with me." he begged. I sighed again but this time I smiled.

"Of course." I replied. Finally a little flicker of light was found again in Suguru's eyes.

We got into bed holding each other closely together.

"I love you Saori." he remarked as he kissed my forehead.

"I love you too Suguru."

"I swear I'll protect you no matter what. At any cost." he stated.

"Don't be too reckless." I chuckled. Suguru did not in fact chuckle with me but instead sighed. I grew worried at what he was thinking but held him tightly against me. I felt as if I were to let him go at that moment then he would be gone forever. It's a scary feeling that I could not express even to him.

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