{1} ~Average~

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Saori's POV:

Average. It's a norm. What's wrong with being average? Nothing right? You're not the best but you're not the worst. You're somewhere in the middle. I'm content with being average for I've always been it. Being gifted means higher expectations whereas being average you can blend in with the others around you. No attention drawn to you but the right amount of praise is given when you go just above the standard. Average means being comfortable.

So then why? Why did I decided to break my average standard? Why did I decided to strive for more? Why did I choose the path where average doesn't exist?

What path, you may ask? The path of a jujutsu sorcerer where it's either you fight to live or you die. Through that path being average means death. Only those who excel live. And my class was one of the most gifted classes in jujutsu history.

"I'm Saori Makino. I look forward to working with you all." I said with a bow.

I looked up. A white haired boy with sunglasses had his feet on the desk. A short brown haired girl was smoking. A black haired boy with his hair in a bun and earrings simply smiled. They're all delinquents. I took a seat at a desk next to the guy with earrings.

"Great, all the first years are here now. Please introduce yourselves to Makino-san. SATORU! Stop dozing off! Ieiri-san no smoking." Yaga sensei instructed.

"Oh! I'm Gojo Satoru." the white haired boy laughed creepily.

"Ieiri Shoko. Pleasure to meet you." the girl took her cigarette out of her mouth and smiled. She seemed friendly enough.

"Geto Suguru." the earring guy smiled. Something about his smile creeped me out.

"Alright! Let's begin!" Yaga sensei said.

That day was simply going over standard procedures of being a jujutsu sorcerer. Different type of curses. The grades. How curses reacted. Etc.

Gojo fell asleep many times but was strictly woken up by Yaga sensei. Ieiri  seemed to be daydreaming. And Geto simply stayed in the same position for the whole lecture with a relaxed smile on his face. Super creepy.

"Class dismissed!" Yaga sensei said at the end of his extremely long lecture and left the classroom. Gojo-san was asleep again with his feet on the desk.

"Oi! Wake up! Class already ended idiot." Geto pushed Gojo off his chair.

"Don't make a mess you two." Ieiri smiled and lit another cigarette.

"Hey!" Gojo woke up with a jolt.

Who are these people? Weird.

"Makino-san right? Wanna get some late lunch with me?" Ieiri offered. I was delighted that she invited me.

"Yes!" I replied.

We walked out of the classroom, leaving the boys to argue while we went to a restaurant nearby.

"Are you from around here?" she asked.

"No I'm from Miyagi." I answered.

"I see." she let out another puff before we entered the restaurant. She then threw her cigarette away.

"I joined a bit late didn't I? Whats the schedule like around here?" I asked her once we took a seat.

"Don't worry, you didn't miss much. Basically Yaga sensei gives us bookwork somedays, like today. And we do whatever we want after that. Other days we spar and do hands on learning under the supervision of Yaga sensei. The rest of the days we do whatever or get called out for missions." she explained.

"Pretty lenient huh." I remarked. We ordered our food and simply talked. It was nice to have another girl to talk to who could see what I see. Whenever I talked about curses back home people thought I was crazy. My parents even took me to a psychiatrist once but they found nothing wrong with me.

I began to see curses at the age of 6. I was absolutely terrified of them. I hated how they looked. Everywhere I went I saw at least one. During my first year of junior high I saw a curse who was playing with three students on the soccer field. I didn't think much of it when I first saw it. Curses were normal to me by then. But suddenly on a Saturday afternoon I heard my name being called by a strange voice. I followed the voice to my school as if I was in a trance. When I arrived it turned to night and I met Yaga sensei.

"What are you doing here at school on a Saturday little girl?" he came over and asked me.

"The thing on the soccer field is calling me to play with it." I told him and brought him to the soccer field.

"Stay right here." Yaga sensei said. He exorcised the curse within 15 minutes and I witnessed the whole thing.

"Are you okay?" he asked me once he killed the curse. I nodded in astonishment.

"So you were able to see that?"

I nodded again.

"Do your parents know you're here?"

I shook my head.

He took me home and somehow convinced my parents to allow him to "tutor" me every Saturday. So for the past 2 and a half years at my junior high Yaga sensei taught me about cursed energy. Finally I attended Jujutsu Tech.

"Um Makino-san, can I call you Saori? Since we're the only girls in our class and we're gonna be classmates for a while." Ieiri  asked.

"Yeah. Can I call you Shoko?" I replied. She nodded with a smile. At least making my first friend at this new school came easily.

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