"Ah, sure~"


Eventually, the last period arrives, and you were about to head to the chemistry lab alone, when you remembered Scaramouche, who wanted to be your lab partner. You wait for him outside your classroom. What you didn't know was that he was busy placing his heartfelt gift for you on your table for you to notice when you pack your bag by the end of the day. He finally steps out of the door with a chemistry book in hand, and the two of you go to the chemistry lab together.


It was the end of the day, and you return to the class, to take your things back. You temporarily depart from Scaramouche and walk to your table, since you and him sit apart. That was when you noticed a box with a note on your table. You secretly hoped it was Scaramouche's, but deep down, you had a feeling that he would never love you, not in that sense at least...

You open the note, and it read:

Sorry I'm such a jerk to you sometimes. I'll put my ego aside and admit it, I just wanted to grab your attention, and I want you to know that I like you alot.

Your favourite jerk,

You were dumbfounded. You always thought that Scaramouche, of all people would never like you! Yet here is the note, not very decorated, but written in his best handwriting as you know it. You flip over the note to see another small message, which read:

Also, I know you like chocolates, so I made these for you :)

Don't eat them all in one go, or you might get sick and your skin might fall off, ew.

Even in a cute note, he just had to slip in a small tease. But the gesture really warmed your heart.... and your cheeks. Infact your cheeks were burning. You liked Scaramouche too, but the sudden thought hit you, What if this is all just a joke? Some sort of prank so he can laugh at me? No... maybe he isn't that cruel... No- what am I thinking? It's Scaramouche! The rudest douchebag in this school...

You glance over to where his seat was, hoping to look at his face... but he was gone. He had already left. With that, you packed your bags at the speed of light, and took the box in hand, stuffing the note carefully in your pocket. You rushed out of the classroom, desperately looking for him. Your efforts paid off, because you found him slowly walking out of the school gate.

"Scaramouche! Wait up!!"

He turned his head around, after recognizing your voice.


He acted like he didn't care, but in reality, he was losing his mind.

The only thing that was on his mind was the note, the chocolates, and you. He already knew in his head that you'd reject him, so he ran out of the class to not face the harsh rejection. But he didn't expect you to approach him. He thought you'd just pretend like it never happened, but that was not the case.

"You.. you left these on my table, right?" You ask.

"....Yeah I did, why?" He answers, questioning you back.

You were shocked. You couldn't believe your ears, or your eyes.

"Is this some sort of joke...?" You asked, kind of unsure. That question seemed to have hurt Scaramouche, because his face darkened. "Y-you really think this is? Do you have no faith in me at all?" He asked, sounding hurt.

"No, no! It's not like that, it's just..."

Scaramouche shut his eyes, bracing himself for your rejection, while you remained silent for a while, trying to find the right words to say. Scaramouche, whispered to himself, "Just say it already..." His eyes were still tight shut, his head not facing yours.

You finally broke the silence, and spoke. "It's just that... you always tease me so much... I can't tell if you're just trying to get a laugh out of me.. but the truth is, I like you too."

He opens his eyes, and looks at you, shocked. "R-really...?"

"Yeah.. I do..."

At that moment, he slipped his arms around your waist, and hugged you tight. You hugged him back, and enjoyed his embrace in silence.

After what felt like five minutes, he finally let go of the hug, and looked at you in the face. He was still too stunned to say anything.

"Can I... kiss you?" He asks.

You simply nod, and lean in. He brings his arms around you again, as one arm holds your waist, while the other secures your head in place. He aggressively bashes his lips against yours, and kisses you passionately.




He may or may not have slipped his tongue into your mouth...


ehhehehe heres a long chapter to make up for the previous short chapters :3

i really enjoyed writing this tho!!!

my mom taking photos of herself on the family trip fr

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my mom taking photos of herself on the family trip fr

my mom taking photos of herself on the family trip fr

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lil bro thinks he gangsta😭😭😭

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