22- Chocolates

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Request by- Angels_aqua

hope u like it :3

(i have not proofread this, i'm kinda lazy :3)


He looked at the thing with disgust. Why am I doing this? He thought.

The reason why he was doing this was because he had a certain person in mind. He was making chocolates for his oh so beloved, highschool crush. Although he hated, no- despised sweets, he knew you liked them more than anything, so he wanted to give you some on valentines day! He couldn't back out now, he wanted you to look at him desperately. He wanted your attention, more than anything in the world. His apron was messy, but he wasn't done transferring the melted chocolate into his flower-shaped mould. (He borrowed them from his aunt Miko!)

He carefully poured the melted chocolate into the mould, and placed it in the freezer, satisfied with his work. Untying his apron, he puts it aside and walks to his bedroom to prepare the box he would give you his gift in.

He spent the rest of the evening adding finishing touches to the box, as well as the note he wrote for you.

Truth is, Scaramouche teases you on the daily. He may go too far sometimes, and it makes you mad, but he always makes up for it. Your and his friendship is strange, it consists of you both constantly teasing and bullying each other, but neither of you can deny the fact that you both are very close friends.

Despite knowing this, Scaramouche is still a bit afraid. He's aware that he's taking a big risk by confessing. The reason for this being that he's sure you hate him, or just don't see him in that way at all, but he's liked you for way too long now, and he knows he can't keep his adoration for you hidden forever. Perhaps he's just tired of hiding his affection for you, and wants to show it.

The very next day, he swiftly places the box in his desk at school, hoping to give it to you after school. To his favor, You weren't at school yet, since it was still early. Scaramouche didn't want to face you, so he had to arrive before you could see him. An hour later, you enter the school gates, and walk to your class. On your way there, you see Scaramouche. His hands are in his pockets, and he looks at you striaght in the eye.

"Heh, what do you know, it's fourteenth Feb. Don't get too many love letters now," he mocks.

You roll your eyes at him, crossing your arms. "Yeah right."

He only scoffs, and walks away, leaving you in the bustling hallway of love-stricken students, desperately trying to find their valentines. You just shrugged to yourself, and walked to your classroom.

The day goes by normally for you, but for Scaramouche? His poor heart was pounding, just by looking at you. He'd hide his blush desperately by just teasing you. The day had only just begun, and the love-sick zombies are already here. A few students came and confessed to you, but you had to reject them. While you were doing this, he'd secretly watch from afar, praying to whatever higher being was listening to have you reject whoever came to admit their love for you.

"Must be difficult being so cute," he teases. "Oh whatever do you mean?" You retort. He chuckles at your response, and walks closer to you. "We have chemistry as the last class for today, right?" He asks.


He lets out a cute laugh, "Well, wanna be my lab partner?"

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