5- Deskpartner (High School AU)

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This one's a school AU.

I'm not very good at school AU's, hope this turns out nice.

Hope you enjoy!

~This AU will use Scaramouche, but I suppose you can imagine him to be Wanderer (eh, not much difference, think whatever u like)
~drink water, dont be like me
~point out any grammatical errors throughout the chapter, if any (i'll be glad to fix)



Ah, yes.

The first day of 10th grade.

You were quite the shy kid.

Looking around, you could see that all the other students had already formed their friend circles.

You were the only one, sitting alone.

The chair next to you was empty.

You were kind of glad to see that no one's sitting next to you, no one could bother you.

You kept your bag on the empty chair, lay your head on the table, using your arms as a pillow, waiting for the first class to begin.

For a while, you close your eyes, unbothered by all the noise around you, until that is,

A purple-haired boy approaches your table.

"Hey you. Move your ugly bag off my chair, I was assigned this seat" he said.

You were a little disappointed to know that you wouldn't be sitting alone this year, but you came to terms with it anyway.

Without lifting your head off the table, you open your eyes, use your right arm to pick up the bag, and put it on the floor.

You brought your arm back under your head, and went back to closing your eyes.

You thought you didn't need friends, so you didn't even try talking to the boy next to you. His rude behaviour gives you more reason not to talk to him.

He sits down.

You open your eyes to see the time on your watch.

Five minutes more till class starts.

You spend those five minutes sleeping.

You lift your head up when the teacher enters the class.

"How boring."

You thought to yourself.

The teacher made everyone introduce themselves, and tell everyone a little about themself.

When it was your turn, all you said was, "My name is (Y/n). Uhhh thats it I guess?"

You never liked speaking out loud to a big audience, you kind of froze there.

You sat down, and the boy next to you stands up to introduce himself.


Was all he said.

"Thats it?"

"This guy's worse at introductions than me."

He just sat down awkwardly after that.

The next three classes went on just like that. It's now break.

You didn't bother moving outta your seat, most other students went outside to look around. You already looked around the entire school before the first class started, so you took this chance to doze off.

[WANDERER x fem!reader] Oneshots+HeadcannonsWhere stories live. Discover now