10- Lantern rite date (pt 1)

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eyyy 10th chapter eyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy

eyyyyyy hope u enjoy my cringe writing eyyyyyyyyyy

(iykyk 💀)

[(W/n)- the name u gave wanderer :3]

Enjoy this VEEERY long chapter I wrote :D


One fine afternoon, you and (W/n) were bored.

You and him completed your daily commissions rather early! Infact, you finished them a bit too early. Actually no, there were no commissions at all that day. You both basically had nothing to do.

There were no domains to farm either. All of them were locked, and would open only after 24 hours. You and him had, NOTHING to do.

Both of you were at Liyue harbour, standing next to the Katheryne's counter, contemplating on what to do. You didn't want an unproductive day.

"UGHHH if there's nothing to do, i'm going back to the teapot," (W/n) complains.

You retort back,"don't shut yourself in there! Let's try and figure out something to do, please!"

He leans in closer and says, "you can't boss me around, what're you gonna do about it?"

"What is YOUR problem??"

"MY problem is, that i'm trying to figure out a way to get rid of you, so I can go commit atrocities."


"Wait, did you actually think I was being serious?" He starts laughing at your bewildered face.

Upon hearing you two bicker, Katheryne suggests,

"Why don't you two go on a date around Liyue harbour? Lantern rite is almost here, and I assume both of you have never been on a date before?"

You ask, "...what?"

(W/n) doesn't say anything. Infact, he looks convinced that its a good idea.

"Since Lanten rite is almost here, why don't you both go on a practice date, so you know how to act on the real date, and maybe enjoy yourselves as well?"

Your cheeks blush red. "WHO SAID WE WERE GOING ON A DATE ANYWA-"

(W/n) covers your mouth with his hand mid sentence, and says, "That's not a bad idea, thank you for the suggestion."

He grabs your hand, and drags you off...

to Wanmin restaurant!

"Wait here, i'll order something for the both of us. Anything you want?" He looks at you, controling himself from laughing at your now burning face.

He insists, "c'mon, it's on me. Don't be so nervous."

"Um- crystal shrimp," you say.

"That's it? That's all you want?"

He whispers to himself sighing, "Why did I even bother asking? I've memorized every single one of your likes and dislikes, I already know what you want."

Whoopsie daisy, his yandere side is showing.

Before walking off to order some food from chef Mao, he sits you down at a nearby table and chair.

Am I dreaming? And what did he say about memorizing everything I liked and disliked?

About five minutes later, he comes back and sits next to you.

"I've ordered food for us, it'll arrive soon. In the mean time, why don't we plan out the rest of our date hmm?"

He tilts his head a little, as it rests on his hand. He stares at you, smiling in a somewhat, sinister way (which is kinda cute).

[WANDERER x fem!reader] Oneshots+HeadcannonsWhere stories live. Discover now