"At least some people are enjoying themselves," she muttered out loud. Or were they?

Bailey watched them cringing. They were fumbling around looking very uncomfortable and awkward as they tried to pull off a position they most likely have seen in a porno.

The girl was on her side, trying her hardest to stay on the tiny table that was barely big enough to hold two cups of coffee - they are probably exceeding it's recommended weight limit - every time the guy gave a good thrust into her they almost toppled over and had to rebalance themselves.

That in itself was hard to do considering her left leg was lifted up to rest against his body while he held out her right making an L shape. Everytime they almost toppled that left leg would go smack right into the side of his head. The whole sight had Bailey giggling, wishing she could see the reactions on their faces.

Finally realising that this position wasn't working, or the guy was just sick of getting whacked in the head, he pulled out. She gave them brownie points for at least trying.

The couple exchanged a brief conversation while he motioned to the railing.

Bailey figured out what he wanted before the girl did - it wasn't that hard sweetie why are you struggling with it? She knew that she should stop them and let them know that she could see them.

She had to.


She couldn't be the only resident who could witness the debauchery happening in plain sight. Yes, she had to let them know, it was the decent thing to do.

She had fully intended to open her ranch slider, and yell into the night that they were giving the neighbours a free show. They would awkwardly laugh and then retreat into their respective apartments, where they could continue their activities free of prying eyes and she would hopefully be doing exciting activities of her own.

Bailey got as far as opening her ranch slider.

The woman stepped up, stretching her arms along the railing, sticking her chest out and exposing her small perky breasts to the world, making Bailey freeze.

Now bathed in the soft moon light Bailey gasped recognizing Tiffany. Her blonde hair blowing in the evening breeze and sticking to her heart shaped face. Thanks to the glass railings Bailey was able to see every perfect inch of Tiffany's fit body. The girl was always running around in yoga gear, even to their tenant meetings, so she wasn't surprised she looked just as stunning naked.

Besides the odd friendly greetings in the lobby or lifts, Bailey didn't know her. It felt too personal to watch. There would definitely be some awkward conversations in the future if she shouted out now.

Maybe she should mind her own business, besides it looks like Tiffany was enjoying herself being exposed to hundreds of eyes - as far as she was aware.

"And you have your own needs" her brain purred, reminding her of the wetness between her legs. "Who would know what you do in your own home?"

The guy grabbed Tiffany hips pulling them back against him making her gasp approvingly, the sound reaching Bailey as a whisper.

"Fuck me Daddy" Tiffany cooed. Her voice was high and pleading.

Bailey cringed. She hated when people called their partners Daddy. It seemed the guy didn't have the same issues she did, in fact he seemed to thrill at it. He leant down, slowly kissing up her arching spine until he reached her neck. Tiffany turned her face "Kiss me" she said and he obliged, bringing his face out of the shadows.

Bailey felt the ground under her give way and her world spin. She grabbed the side of her wall and ranch slider for some balance before she had a chance to pass out.

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