Chapter 3: Encounter

ابدأ من البداية

[ Ok then, do yours properly. ]

Saxon removes his finger from his forehead and starts walking towards the outskirts of the kingdom. As for her older sister, she emptied the wine she was drinking in one gulp.

[ Waiter, I'll be on my way now. As for the price I have to pay, I am Leto Hitman. ]

The waiter replies with [ I see, please come again. ]

Leto stands up and goes outside the bar-

[ Disturbing my precious wine time. That foreigner will surely get something from me. ]

And started running towards the locations Saxon said.

[ So that's all I know, Kennen. ]

[ I am pretty sure the foreigner Saxon fought and the foreigner I saw going to the Crezesia District is the same. ]

[ Crezesia District I see. ]

The woman pauses for a while, looks around the forest, and changes the direction she's going.

[ I'm on my way there. Now, as for the princess? ]

[ The princess is in the same location as the foreigner and in fact, they're together. ]

[ Tsk. ]

The woman removes her finger from her forehead and increases her running speed.

[ Disturbing my wine time and laying your hand on the princess. You'll pay foreigner. ]

While I am running around carrying the frightened girl with me, my eyes meet a distant gate with a sign saying, "Crezesia District."

[ Looks like that's the way out of this forest. ]

I gathered all speed in my feet and came running to the gate. I reached the gate but my path beyond the gate was blocked by a guard wearing red light armor with the letter "V" at its center.

[ Please let us in. ]

[ Sure, where's the letter from the mayor of your district? ]

While thinking of an excuse, I noticed the guard looking at the girl I am carrying-

[ Oh I see how it is, kindly wait here, I'll let you in in a moment. ]

Astonished, I replied-

[ Thank you so much!!! ]

I rest my legs on the grass and gently put down the unconscious girl.

[ I am so tired- ]

[ Are you sure you should be letting your guard down now huh? Chiaro-kun? ]

[ I am not letting my guard down, a rest shouldn't be that bad. ]

[ Oh? Well do what you want, just keep in mind you don't have a single ally in this world. ]

[ Now that you've said that, you are right. I don't have one yet.. ]

I stare at the beautiful night sky that contains 11 bright stars and raise my hand as if I am catching a star-

[ I will have allies that'll help me in this world, I guarantee you that. ]

[ Oh how cute, alright then, good luck Chiaro- ]

[ Stand up now, they're coming. ]

I stand up and prepare to carry the girl-

[ Thank you so mu- ]

Instead of raising my arms to lift the girl, I stopped midway and ask-

[ They're coming? Who? ]

The guard shows a hysterical smile and says-

[ The one who'll execute you along with the princess! ]

My eyes enlarge while looking at the guard-

[ No way- ]

[ Uh huh, what are you gonna do now, Chiaro-kun? You are tired, you have an unconscious girl to protect, and most of all, you are laughably weak because of your lack of attribute. ]

[ Shut up, you are not helping the situation- ]

[ Helping? Oh, I am assessing the situa- well that was fast. ]

Behind me is the sound of footsteps, I turn my back and see a squad of knights with the same armor as the guard. One of them who isn't wearing the same armor approaches me and-

[ Hand over the princess, and we'll let you live. ]

[ I would never do that. ]

[ Oh? Understandable have a good day. ]

That guy leaves and goes behind the squad. After a while, he shouts-

[ Everyone kill the boy and capture the princess. ]

The knights who don't have any weapons raise their hands forward and shout-

[ Fire Attribute: Sword ]

At the same time.

Twilight Aftermath: Kingdom ( Twiath: I )حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن