Chapter 6;FORCE Rise Hell Rising Hopper Part 2 The Black Wizard

Start from the beginning

As Eva left the lab with the Rising Hopper Key, Jason  sighed and leaned back in his chair. He had been working tirelessly on unlocking the Progrise Keys for hours and was getting nowhere. He couldn't shake the feeling that something was off about the situation.

Looking around the lab, he noticed some spare parts lying around and an idea started to form in his mind. He began tinkering with the parts, putting together a makeshift Driver. As he worked, he thought about Zay and how she had been acting strange ever since the Hell Rising Hopper incident.

Eventually, Jason  finished the Driver and strapped it on. He had never been one for fighting, but he couldn't shake the feeling that something big was coming and he needed to be prepared. He decided to keep it a secret for now and continue working on his own projects.

Meanwhile, Eva arrived back at the apartment and handed the Rising Hopper Key to Zay. Zay thanked her and inserted the Key into her Driver, feeling relieved that she could finally access her powers again. She didn't notice anything different about the Key, but Eva couldn't shake the feeling that something was off.

As Zay transformed into Zero-One Rising Hopper, she felt the power coursing through her once again. She was ready to take on whatever challenge lay ahead, but little did she know that Jason  had taken matters into his own hands and was now ready to face any threat that came his way.


As Tanner searched for a driver, he stumbled upon a mysterious old man who gifted him a driver and a Progrise Key. The old man told Tanner that the key held great power, but at a great cost. Despite the warning, Tanner inserted the key into the driver, and a dark energy enveloped him.

As he transformed, his suit became black and the traditional pink color of Kamen Rider Wizard was replaced with a deep purple. His name was now Kamen Rider Wizard Black Noir Schwartz, and he was consumed with a desire for power.

With his new form, Tanner broke into the AIMS headquarters, seeking more energy to fuel his newfound strength. He effortlessly defeated the guards, using his dark magic to drain their energy and replenish his own.

As he made his way deeper into the facility, he came across the Progrise Keys that AIMS had been researching. The power they held intrigued him, and he decided to take them for himself.

With the keys in his possession, Tanner retreated back to his hideout, consumed by a lust for power that he could never satisfy.As Kamen Rider Wizard Black Noir Schwartz fought off the AIMS soldiers, he was confronted by Kamen Rider Valkyrie and a wounded Kamen Rider Vulcan.

"Who are you?" asked Valkyrie as she raised her weapon.

"I am Kamen Rider Wizard Black Noir Schwartz," replied Tanner with a smirk. "And I am here to collect energy to complete my mission."

"Your mission?" questioned Vulcan, gritting his teeth in pain. "What is it?"

"I'm afraid I can't share that information with you," replied Tanner. "But I can tell you that you won't be able to stop me."

With that, Tanner activated his magic rings and unleashed a barrage of dark magic at Valkyrie and Vulcan. Valkyrie quickly dodged the attacks and retaliated with her own attacks, while Vulcan struggled to stand up and fight back.

Tanner proved to be a formidable opponent, using his dark magic to create illusions and teleport around the battlefield. However, Valkyrie's agility and speed allowed her to keep up with Tanner and land some solid blows.

As the battle raged on, Tanner grew more and more desperate to complete his mission. He pushed himself to the limit, tapping into even more power from the Wizard Driver, but Valkyrie and Vulcan proved to be too much for him.

In the end, Tanner was forced to retreat, but not before stealing some energy from AIMS. Valkyrie and Vulcan watched as he disappeared into the night, wondering what his true intentions were and what other dangers lay ahead.

As Dan and Rina looked defeated at the Black Kamen Rider walking away without lnowi what he came for.

The next day, Tanner had finally found Zero-One, who was currently in her Hell Rising Hopper form, and he was impressed by her power. He knew that he had to take her down if he wanted to complete his mission. He charged at her with his sword, but she quickly dodged and kicked him in the chest, sending him flying.

Tanner got back up, his body covered in bruises and cuts, but he didn't show any signs of giving up. He knew that he was stronger than Zero-One, and he was determined to prove it.

"You're pretty good," Tanner said, holding his sword in front of him. "But you're no match for me."

Zero-One didn't respond. She just stood there, her eyes fixed on Tanner. She knew that he was a dangerous opponent, and she had to be careful.

Tanner charged at her again, swinging his sword wildly. Zero-One dodged his attacks with ease, using her speed and agility to stay one step ahead of him. She managed to land a few hits, but they didn't seem to faze Tanner.

"You're starting to get on my nerves," Tanner growled. "It's time to end this."

He charged at Zero-One again, but this time, she was ready. She jumped into the air and kicked him in the face, sending him crashing to the ground. He tried to get up, but his body was too weak. He knew that he had lost.

"Fine," he said, panting heavily. "You win. But mark my words, I'll be back."

With that, Tanner disappeared into the shadows, leaving Zero-One alone in the quarry. She knew that she had won this battle, but she also knew that the fight wasn't over yet. She had to find a way to stop Tanner and his evil plans, or else the world would be in grave danger. 

As Tanner approached Zay in her Hell Rising Hopper form, she felt her body aching from the constant use of the powerful form. She tried to fight back, but her movements were sluggish and uncoordinated.

Suddenly, a figure wearing a driver similar to the Force Riser appeared beside Tanner. The figure's face was covered, and Zay couldn't see who it was.

Tanner sneered at Zay. "Looks like you're not as strong as you thought you were. Now, hand over that key!"

Zay gritted her teeth and prepared to fight back, but before she could do anything, the figure beside Tanner spoke up.

"Enough," the figure said in a deep, commanding voice. "I'll take it from here."

Tanner turned to face the figure. "Who the hell are you?" he demanded.

The figure didn't answer, but instead raised his driver and inserted a progrise key into it. The driver activated, and a powerful surge of energy surrounded the figure.

Zay watched in amazement as the figure transformed into a new Kamen Rider, clad in black armor with a dark purple trim. The Rider's helmet was adorned with purple flames, and his eyes glowed with an intense light.

Tanner looked stunned for a moment, but then he sneered again. "Another Rider, huh? I'll take you both on!"

Zay could see that Tanner was wounded from their previous fight, and she knew she couldn't take him on alone. She prepared to fight alongside the new Rider, but before she could do anything, she felt herself losing consciousness.

The last thing she saw was Tanner charging towards her and the new Rider, as she fell to the ground, blacking out from the exhaustion.

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