Book 2: My Lord Saves the Citizens - Chapter 42

Start from the beginning

Max said, "There is hot and cold water, hot cocoa, and apple juice and orange juice. Us kids like the juice and the hot cocoa the best. There's tea and coffee for the adults, too. I heard the adults like the coffee the most, but I tried it one day and it was foul. It's very bitter, so I don't know how any adult likes it."

"And you couldn't get to sleep that night and got quite scared, didn't you, Max," his mother said. "I remember you came running into our room crying."

Max frowned and mumbled, "Mama, not in front of the new people. They'll look down on me."

Becky leaned in toward Grandma Liz and said, "He was so eager to be a part of the administration team that he even begged me to teach him how to use the washing machine so he could start giving tours to newcomers and teaching them how to use the unit's magical gadgets."

"Is that so?" Grandma Liz said, chuckling, which made Max's cheeks turn crimson.

"Mama, please stop it," he moaned. "You're embarrassing me."

Derek leaned in and asked Gilbert, "Does the coffee drink make one unable to sleep?"

Gilbert nodded. "Apparently, I heard it has this ingredient call caffeine and makes one wide awake. We like to drink it in the morning to wake us up."

"Ah, I see," Derek said.

Finally, they reached the buffet, and everyone stared, amazed at the array of food available. Derek noticed chicken, which looked like it had been either steamed or poached, another kind of chicken, which looked golden and the skin crispy as if it had been grilled, and an array of steamed as well as grilled assorted vegetables, and of course, the steamed rice and soft baked bread.

Breathless, Hunter asked, "Can we really eat as much as we want?"

"Of course, lad," Gilbert said. "It's plentiful here."

"Max," a lady serving them said. "I see you're showing the new people around?"

Max pumped out his chest in pride. "Yes, I am. So, what are we having for dinner this fine evening?"

The woman chuckled, her eyes twinkling. "This evening, my dear Max, we have a choice of either poached chicken or grilled with steamed rice or baked bread. For sides, it's either steamed vegetables or grilled ones, and dessert, it's fresh assorted fruits and chocolate pudding with orange custard sauce. Of course, you can mix and match to your liking or you can try all of it."

"I'll go for both types of chicken, thank you very much," Max said. "Since I have to be good, I'll have the grilled vegetables and steamed rice."

"Of course," the woman said and started serving.

Once everyone had their plates filled with delectable-looking food, they followed Max to a table and sat down. Immediately, they started digging in, with Hayden and Hunter gobbling down their meat and vegetables in quick succession.

"Slow down, boys," their mother, Gemma, said.

"I've never eaten anything this delicious in my life," Hunter said. "I mean no disrespect to your cooking, Mother, but..." He wolfed down a big chicken thigh.

"Me, too," Hayden said. "This is a feast for us. I'm not one for vegetables, but these grilled ones are to die for."

Gemma sighed and said, "Well, I agree. It looks like I'd have to join the kitchen department to learn a few new recipes."

"It's the culinary department that you should be enrolling in," Becky said. "Working in the kitchen will be part of it, so I've heard. The lessons will be starting within the next two weeks."

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