Book 2: My Lord Saves the Citizens - Chapter 39

Start from the beginning

"It's very kind of Lady Norsewood, our lord's wife, to build us a temporary shelter, but wouldn't it be overly crowded?"

Connor raised a brow. "At times, especially during meal hours when everyone is in the dining hall, I suppose it does get rather rowdy, but other than that, it's very spacious and everyone is happy, warm and, well fed." He smiled. "I can understand your concern, Derek, but ease your fears, my friend. There will be a unit for each family and much that will occupy you, I can guarantee you that. Knowing how fond you are of farming and plants, no doubt you'll be joining the agriculture department run by Kent Ingram."

"Agriculture department?" Derek said, very confused as he picked up a strange-looking box, unlike anything he'd seen before. The material was light and soft, not hard and heavy like their usual wooden boxes.

Connor slapped his hand on Derek's shoulder and said, "You'll understand when you see Norsewood Lodge. For now, let's get everyone warm and fed."

Derek nodded, and along with the other men, headed into the cottage. Inside, Connor and Kevin opened the boxes and brought out sleeping bags and thick jackets, distributing them. Some of the jackets were a bit too big for the children, but they loved it, especially after Connor and Kevin showed them how to use the zippers. The sleeping bags, too, and Derek was dazed that such luxury items were given to them.

"These are from her ladyship?" one woman asked, her eyes misty, feeling utterly warm for the first time since winter had started.

Connor nodded. "Aye. When you get to Norsewood Lodge, you'll be receiving more."

At hearing that, everyone smiled in anticipation.

A man said, "We have a place to return to. We needn't sleep out in the cold." And the rest nodded in agreement.

Connor and Kevin opened the other packages, and this time, they brought out meal boxes, which drew everyone's attention. As they handed those out, Steven, Derek's son, age eight, asked, "What is this, sir?"

Connor winked. "It's a meal box, lad."

"It's warm, sir," the boy said. He brought it up to his nose and sniffed. Suddenly, he widened his eyes, having never smelled anything this good before. He turned to his mother and said, "Mama! It smells like food."

That got Connor chuckling, and he said, "Because it is food, lad."

Everyone noticed the delicious aroma, too, and brought their own meal boxes close to their nose, Derek included. Connor then proceeded to show everyone how to open the lid. One by one, as the lids of the meal boxes were opened, steam puffed out, along with a delectable scent that quickly filled the cottage. Before their very eyes were creamy chicken, potato, sweet potato, and carrot casserole served over steamed rice, the type of food no one here had ever seen, let alone tasted before. Naturally, they were stunned that something this luxurious was served to them.

Derek looked over at Connor and asked, "Is this really for us?"

Connor, who was now busy pouring hot cocoa from a magical jug into tin mugs, said, "The meal boxes are made by Lady Quinn. You'll only upset her if you don't eat." He chuckled in amusement.

One boy, starving, eagerly picked up the fork and started eating. The moment he tasted the creaminess of the dish, he started crying, and his mother asked, "What's the matter?"

He wiped his tears from his eyes and said, "It's so delicious, Mama. I've never tasted anything like this before. It's so soft and creamy."

At hearing that, everyone started digging right in as well, and soon, a sense of quietness descended over the room, followed by tears pouring and some sniffling.

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