"But they will go against her anyways with or without you so you should just stay" Yuna reasons with her.

"She's right" I join.

There's a long pause.

"But if this is what you want then we will support you, right Yuna?" I say because we don't really have the right to stop her.

"Right" my little sister grudgingly agrees.

"Thank you" her voice sounds sad but I can't look at her face because I'm focus on the road.

The rest of the ride is silent. I want to say something to Yeji but I can't find the words. Does she really want to go back to her family that kicked her out for getting pregnant?

We arrive at her parent's house. She unbuckles her seatbelt and she gets out of the car.

I quickly unbuckle mine and I get out too.

"Yeji, are you gonna be okay or do you want me to go with you?" I can't seem to stop myself from worrying about her.

I think it's because my brother is not here so I'm doing everything. At least at home, I know she's safe with my brother around.

She walks to me and she takes my hand. Something is different about Yeji too this weekend. Was she being cautious at home and this is how she really acts? She asks me to hold her without being shy. Now, she's taking my hand like it's a normal thing we do.

We walk to the front of her house and she knocks on the door. I can tell that she's feeling nervous because her hand is sweaty. I don't pay attention to it because I can't fully understand what she's feeling right now. She's seeing her family for the first time since she was kicked out a few weeks ago.

The door opens and were greeted with unfriendly faces.

"Hi" Yeji looks down.

"Did you get rid of the baby?" The woman, I'm assuming her mother, asks right away.

Yeji shakes her head and the woman scoffs.

"I thought you messaged us because you came to your senses and realized that you're not ready to be a mother. You're throwing away your future" the woman is angry.

"Dad" Yeji looks at the man for help.

"I'm with you mom, Yeji. You're too young to have a child. You're gonna regret it. Raising a kid is not easy. Are you ready to give up your dreams?"

"Why do I have to give up my dreams? Can it just be on hold?" Yeji is tearing up.

"Do you think it's that easy? You have to put the child's needs ahead of yours. You don't have time for yourself. You think you have time to live your life the way you want to then one day you wake up and realize that it's not possible" Yeji's mom is stern.

"Is that how you saw me? Having me stopped you from living your lives the way you wanted to? I was just a setback for you two?" Yeji let go of my hand to wipe her face.

"That's not what we meant, Yeji. We know how hard it is to raise a child. We just don't want you to go through that until you were ready. Finish college, have a stable career and find a reliable man to start a family with. Not this" Yeji's dad points at her belly, "Getting pregnant by a random guy from a party."

"That random guy is there for me unlike you two. His family took me in despite being disappointed by the news. His siblings help take care of me to make sure that I'm comfortable" she sobs.

She takes my hand again, "His sister is right here right now to help me face you two. Instead of making me feel bad for the thing thats already done, she's here supporting whatever decision I want to make. I thought I would come here and we can be a family again but I see now that's never gonna happen."

Listening to Yeji's parents speak made me realize that I had the same mindset as them. When I first learned that Yeji was pregnant, all I could think about was how her life was gonna change but in a bad way. She wouldn't be able to pursue the things she wanted.

But after witnessing this, I don't want to think that way anymore. I don't want to be like her parents. I want to encourage Yeji and support her. Tell her that she can do anything with or without a baby. I didn't realize how discouraging my mindset was until now.

"I thought about not keeping this baby" she's crying harder now so this time I make my presence known by squeezing her hand.

"Then I realized the reason I didn't want to keep the baby was because of you two. I thought about it so I can have my parents back but it's not what I want. This baby might not have been planned. It's not something I saw until later in my life but I'm gonna have them no matter what. And I'm gonna make sure I'm gonna raise them with so much love and they'll know that whatever mistake they make in life, I will love them fully."

"Then grab your stuff and go. I will not support you with this" her mom says, surprising me.

I don't think my mom would even react like this if Yuna and I get pregnant by accident. Yes, she might send us away to another country to keep her image clean but she won't disown us like this.

"Throw my stuff in the garbage. I want nothing that came from you two" Yeji walks away but stop when she realizes I'm not moving.

"I'll follow you" I give her a small smile.

She looks back at her parents then at me.

"I'll be quick" I assure whatever worries she might be feeling.

Once Yeji is gone, I face her parents. I expected them to go back in their house but I guess they're curious with what I have to say too.

"How can you call yourself parents?" I genuinely ask.

"From what Yeji told me, she did everything to make you two proud in her whole life but now that she's going through something, you're turning your back on her?" I continue.

"Watch it" the dad acts like a tough guy.

"Your daughter is struggling and your solution is to let her struggle more? Instead of becoming her support system, you're the reason that she's hurting. What kind of parents are you? You loved her when she was succeeding but you don't when she doesn't meet your expectations?"

"Who do you think you are to speak to us like this?" The mom is fuming now.

"I'm the person that's gonna make sure to erase all the pain you've caused Yeji" I say before walking away.

I don't allow them to say the last word because they don't deserve it. How can they treat their daughter like that?

I get back in the car and Yeji is in the backseat with Yuna, crying. My sister is holding onto her.

"We're going back home" I say.

"I'm so sorry" Yeji cries out.

"Don't apologize. You didn't do anything wrong. They don't deserve you. You have us" I start the car.

"She's right. We're your family now" Yuna comforts her.

I don't know what got into me back then. My heart is beating extremely fast from the adrenaline. I can't believe I spoke to Yeji's parents like that but I felt like I had to. Yeji made a tough decision of keeping this baby and instead of respecting her, they were looking down on her.

I'll make sure to encourage Yeji with whatever she wants to do from now on. I'll do anything to help her achieve her goals in life too. Having a kid doesn't mean her life is over. She just has to make adjustments but she can still pursue her dream. I'll show her that.

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