At the Museum and at the rodeo!!

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I think I am falling in love!! I start to falling love with him when we were talking and he tell me that he is a bull rider and I say you are the best bull rider in the rodeo and I watching him at the rodeo and he amazing at bull riding and I cheer for him and he win the belt buckle from bull riding in the rodeo and I love watching him bullriding and it was super fun at rodeo and we went to yummy BBQ restaurant name is Howdy BBQ!! And I like that he tell the museum name after him! It was fun look at the exhibit with him and talking each other and I really enjoyed be around billy, he is sweet and caring and lovely and a truly gentleman! I think I am falling in love with him!! Oh I have a big crush on him!! :) I am soo lucky be his friend and some point his lover!! I am soo happy being around him a lot!! What fun day today was and best day ever!!! I hope he coutin me! I hope he have same feel as me! :)

And this morning I hear billy singing this song:

He was Walking outside past the bookstore where I work at.

Alice Banks side of the story of Billy's story.Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat