This new yet welcome surprise almost made Midoriya lose his train of thought.

Izuku: "I, um... I don't have my own Quirk, so that's what everyone says. Since I don't have any special abilities, they think that I'm just a weakling, so there's no way I could become a Hero.
Everyone shot down my dream, they looked at me differently, and all the other kids make fun of me because of it..."

(Y/n): 'Right.'

A big thing with fictional characters is their predetermined role in society. Some were outcasts in alternating ways, or they melded like puzzle pieces into society, in a click or as someone famous.

In a series, the MC tends to be isolated because of what they are. For example, if a kid is a silent type or a secret ninja warrior or something.

Midoriya was a powerless boy in a world where everyone had powers, so he was doomed from the start.

(Y/n): 'Damn. I just got here and even I know that's not cool. It's one thing to tell him he'd be in more danger as a Hero without powers. It's another thing to hate on him because of what he is.'

Izuku: "But it was about more than proving them wrong. I still wanted to be one, more than anything else! And the only one who hadn't said it was impossible was All Might: the greatest hero to ever exist!"

(Y/n): 'No shade, but that's debatable.'

Izuku: "I promised if I ever met him, I would ask him if it was possible to become a hero, even without a Quirk... and when we were on that rooftop, he said that he honestly didn't believe I could."

(Y/n): *solemn nod*

Izuku: "When those words left his mouth, I was ready to let go of my dream... *sniff* ... b-because he was right... *quiet sobbing*

(Y/n): "..."

Izuku: *crying* "Everything the number one Hero told me was the truth..."

Izuku finally let go of all his feelings of today and began to quietly cry, and for the second time, (Y/n) elected to keep his mouth shut.

But to his pleasant surprise, Izuku slowly but surely did another one of his famous 180's, going from shaking shoulders and a quivering lip, to wiping his tears and relaxing his breathing.

When he regained his composure, Midoriya smiled, and spoke in a gentle, but determined voice.

Izuku: "T-that's what I thought, u-until..."

(Y/n): "Until what?"

(Y/n): "Until what?"

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Izuku: "... Until I met you!"

(Y/n): *points at chest* "... Me?"

Izuku: "You aren't like anyone else I've met in my entire life, (Y/n)! There's so much about you that I don't know about, and what I have learned makes me want to know even more! Every time you stepped into action, I was blown away by your abilities, and by how quickly you were willing to use them without being an official Hero!"

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