"The actual hell are you talking about, Ponytail? Are you saying that I can't work with a team? Because I sure as shit can! It's not my fault they were a bunch of extras and didn't know how to do anything themselves," Bakugo snapped at her, eyes blazing with an inordinate amount of anger when considering the situation.

Kirishima tried to smooth things over. "Hey, Bakubro, I don't think she meant it like that. Nobody's saying that you can't do it! We know you're awesome, she was just doing an analysis on how things went down."

"Like hell she was! I don't give a crap what any of you think!" Well, those were varying contradicting statements. First, he was mad at them for saying that he couldn't do it, and now he was saying he didn't care what they thought. He was being a whole lot less rational than he usually was. And he wasn't always very rational...

"Bakugo." The class all looked away from where they were nervously ogling Bakugo, and their eyes widened when they heard Izuku-sensei's firm tone. It wasn't like much had changed, maybe he wasn't smiling as wide anymore, but he wasn't doing anything that would make them this afraid.

But there was just something in his voice... something that was telling them he meant business. It was like... a hidden hard edge, obscured by the usual sweet tones his teacher always spoke with. And nobody wanted to peel back that protective covering. Not a single one of them.

Still, Kirishima is slightly surprised when Bakugo goes back to silently fuming, glaring at anything that dares to move. Is Izuku-sensei a beast tamer...?

"Okay... does anyone else have any other points to address?" Shinso could tell Izuku-sensei was doing his best to get the class back on track. But he can also tell that nobody really wants to speak up after Bakugo's outburst. "Anything? I know you all can do it."

Kirishima took a deep breath, then raised his hand. The look on Izuku-sensei's face almost made the forced participation worth it, his smile dazzling and gleaming in a way that nothing besides the sun should rightly be.

"I guess... you were aware of where your opponents were, and you used their quirks against them to incapacitate them," Kirishima hesitantly said. He was sure that their teacher would have been able to do that even if he didn't know their quirks beforehand. And it looked like the green-haired man was expecting a bit more out of his analysis, so Kirishima sent up a silent prayer to whatever deity was out there that Bakugo didn't kill him for this.

"And you, like, um. You, uh. Well, you were able to single out a single member of the team, and you took advantage of how... they had cut themselves away from their teammates to quickly take them out. It-uh. It made your job of fighting easier since your fighting style works best one-on-one."

Izuku-sensei nodded sagely, but everyone else in the classroom suppressed a shudder as they remembered what Izuku-sensei did. At first, he was treating this like it was a normal exercise, exactly how any other teacher would have done it. But then, when Bakugo had seperated himself from his other teammates, their teacher had changed. It was like he tapped into this deeper part of himself that was purely analytical, only doing the motions to get the job done. It... it made Kirishima very glad that he wasn't a villain. Very glad.

Izuku-sensei broke the awkward silence, saying, "Alright. That was a good start, but it's not quite as in depth as I would have liked from you guys." Almost the entire class slouched down at his words, and even though Izuku-sensei wasn't saying that he was disappointed in them, they felt like he was disappointed in them. "But that's okay! Sometimes, class discussions aren't the best place to have these kind of conversations," he eyed Bakugo knowingly, "so I'm going to propose an alternative. Instead of the interactive in-class activity, I'm going to assign an essay on how you feel you did, both as individuals and as a group, and you'll do a reflection on what you know you did well, how you can improve, and how your quirks were applied to the situation."

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