11. Oblivion

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So a week went by. You were fighting a lot, you were angry with Lesso, and she was only trying to help. But you still haven't forgiven her, this woman has hurt you so much, you don't want the situation to happen again. You didn't teach lessons, but you are going out this week, also, they are going to have a meeting again soon and you need to attend it, even though Lesso insists on resting all the time, but you can't stay cooped up forever.

The day began with another argument. "Lesso! Get out of my room, I'll come to the dining room and eat!"

"I know you're not coming there, so either eat here and now, or we'll go to the dining room together!", – you stood by the window and smoked.

"You're just unbearable!", – you were already packed, so you quickly walked out and you went into the dining room. Sitting at the table, you drank your coffee and ate your breakfast, and Lesso looked at you with a winning smile. "Why did you sit down with me?"

"Controlling the situation", – you rolled your eyes at that answer.

"Are you ever going to get off my back?", – the woman shrugged and wondered.

"Don't forget, there's a meeting today, I hope you'll listen this time. Also, we'll decide what to do about your lessons next, because the incident could happen again"

"Can you not burden me with work when I eat?"

"Well, I'm sorry, Miss Sarah", – Lesso said sarcastically and began to drink her coffee.

After eating, you both went to class, you started getting ready for class, and Lesso walked around grumbling. "Like I don't have anything else to do"

"You grumble like an old grandmother..", – Lesso turned sharply in your direction.

"What did you call me? Say it again!", – you chuckled evilly and stepped away from the redhead.

"There you go, you see, you're already having trouble hearing me", – Lesso shortened the distance between you in two steps and pinned you against the wall, hovering over the top, and then, slowly putting her hands on your waist...and starting to tickle you! You laugh and ask her to stop. "You'll answer for what you said!", "Lesso...stop it!!!", – but the redhead keeps tickling that at one point you rest your face on her chest and put your hands on her waist. "Lesso!", – tears were already rolling in your eyes with laughter, and the woman stopped tickling you.

You exhaled and realized what you had done, so you wanted to move a decent distance away from her, but you forgot that you were standing near a wall and bumped into it and from the surprise, you bumped into Lesso again. "I'm sorry..", – the Dean finally let you pass and you sat down at your desk, pretending nothing had happened.

"I'll remember that for you, Sarah!"

Leading the class, you were a little nervous, still remembering the incident. It affected you, so, you often forgot yourself and quickly changed the subject. "Okay..now...now there's going to be a little quiz on the topic we took last class", – everyone mumbled and started talking, disrupting the discipline.

"Miss Sarah! Let's have a quiz next class, shall we?"

"No, I'm not going to tell you ten times, what did I tell you, about talking?", – Sarah snapped her finger and one guy's mouth glued together. "That's the way it's going to be with everyone", – you took the sheets and started spreading them out on the desks as suddenly, one of the students decided to trip you up, but you stepped on that one's foot, crushing him with your heel. A quiet chuckle could be heard from behind you. "You have forty minutes until the end of class. Get started", – the girl sat down at her desk and began to check the other students' work. There were good ones and bad ones, the bad ones were more...what do they do in class to get such grades?

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