The June wedding at PennyLane had arrived. It was a dream in itself and I had to thank Maria for having it come to life so quickly.

"What's the fuss about the caterers it's a dinner party of eleven people."

"Twelve, I invited the minister to dinner" He stared at me confused "Yeah that prevents you from any sex talk, in front of my toddler" He nodded in agreement.

"Plus he's come all this way he might as well get a meal out of it" Bella adds and I nod at her. Things weren't perfect, they never would be. But I didn't want her out of my life completely, because she loved my daughter. I couldn't imagine her not being at my wedding and Grayson was Theo's best friend.

I'll never understand how she was okay with marrying her brother's best friend. But it would always bother her That I was marrying her brother. Theo didn't love it but he accepted it because he knew they loved each other. I also had to do some swaying.

"Bella can you go down and tell the caterers how to set the tables, Mom can you go check on Joely and bring her to me" Maria nods at me with a smile and they both exit the room.

"I always have a getaway car you know that right?" Lucas jokes.

"I think you'd have to shoot me to get out of this wedding" he came behind me and smiled at my reflection in the the mirror.

"Can't believe someone's marrying you" I stuck my tongue out at him and he did it back.

"You cannot go on missions while pregnant you know that right?" I glared at him in the mirror.

"I am not pregnant Lucas?""

"Every bride downs at least two glasses of champagne before they walk down the aisle?" I shrugged my arms.

"Maybe I don't want to be drunk and want to grasp the whole experience fully. Soak it all in."

"That's not the only thing you soaked all in" I shake my head in disapproval of his words.

"Jesus Lucas ew" Maria walks into the room with Joely in hand. She looks amazed at me.

"Mummy you're princess!" She gasps in her little ivory gown, baby's breath flowers are mixed into her hair. She wobbles over to me quickly almost tripping herself in her dress.

I bring her to my lap "Do you mind if me and Miss Joely have the room?" Maria and Lucas nod and leave closing the door behind them.

"Do you know what's happening today?" She nods her head with an excited smile.

"Mummy marries Daddy!"

"Mhmm, and that means that Daddy's officially in with the girls. I know you're not used to boys being around, but unfortunately, ones being added to the inner circle" She giggles at my words.

"But it's Daddy" She corrects.

"You're right, it is Daddy and he's not too bad" I kiss her head holding her in my arms.

"Now let's go get Mommy married hm?" She jumps out of my lap and stands to her feet jumping in excitement. I take her little hand in mine and we walk out the door to Maria.

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