Chapter Eighteen.

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"Someone's hungry," Samuel laughed, his chest moving as he laughed causing her entire form to shake with him due to the position they were still in, "let's get you some food."

She couldn't protest and weakly lie about how she wasn't hungry as he rolled back onto his knees pulling them both upright. She tighten her already tight hold on him as he gracefully stood from the ground in one fluid movement carrying her with him as his arm rested underneath her bum and the other around her. She felt like a small child as he walked through the hallway and into the kitchen that always seemed to have food bursting from the cupboards.

"What would you like?" He asked as he sat her gently down on the side next to the stove and began to look through the cupboards and fridge, every now and then pulling something out and pilling it up next to her.

"Surprise me." She shrugged as she allowed her eyes to travel around the elegant kitchen. She'd only been there once before but she still found herself in awe at the house that was beautiful from the outside and the inside.

"I supposed you have a few questions." He stated as he pulled out two plates.

She sheepishly smiled at him, "a few." She admitted shyly.

"Ask away." He smiled encouragingly at her as she took a deep breath. She tried to clear her mind so that she could at least thing of well-structured questions.

"How long have you been a werewolf?" She asked, starting with the simple questions first.

"I've been one my whole life. No one really knows how the first werewolf came about. Some say that experiments were done and back fired turning a man into a wolf; others say that it just happened, evolution. And some say that a witch cast a spell." Samuel told her. She froze at the mention of a witch and wondered if Samuel knew what she was, but as she discreetly studied his face and saw that he was completely unaware. She allowed herself to relax.

"What do you think happened?" She asked, she was curious and a little frightened.

"I believe that a witch casted a spell on a human boy, granting him the gift of shifting into a wolf whenever he pleased. There's an ancient story about how the witch casted the spell to protect her daughter who posessed so much beauty that it had become a curse. The man protected the witch and her daughter and in turn he was granted a wish. That's how soul mates were created. Or so the story says. He asked the witch for a wife, someone who would love him for him and the animal inside of him. The story goes on to say how they had many children who were all werewolves like him and they all found there mates starting the first ever werewolf pack." He smiled over at her as she thought about what he had said.

"Why didn't he marry the daughter?" She asked. She watched as he froze a little as a frown made its way onto her face, had she said something? "Sorry I didn't mean to be rude or nosey." She apologised quickly looking down at her hands.

"It's not that. I just didn't expect you to ask that questions." He laughed as she looked up from her hands to see him starring at her with a look of admiration in his eyes. She blushed a little but continued to look at him, waiting for him to continue. "He was her protector not her soul mate, the witch didn't want him to develop any romantic feelings for her daughter that could distract him from his job and so made it impossible for him to fall in love with her. I didn't really believe it until..." He trailed off as his eyes looked her over before he continued to make them both a sandwich.

She knew that she had something to do with his sudden belief in the story but she shrugged it off for now. She was curious about the story of the witch and how she hadn't heard it before, she would have to talk to the oracles later who knew what their husbands were and so undoubtedly knew of the story that Samuel had just told her.

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