Chapter Twenty-Eight

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When I walked into the McLaren trailer and the first thing I saw was Pierre with his arm around my girl, I was pissed. It took everything in me not to punch him senselessly, but I knew I would end up in more trouble than him. I would probably lose my seat and my girl, so restraint it was.

After we walked out, the first thing I asked was, "He didn't make you uncomfortable, did he? He didn't hurt you or anything?" I search her body for any damage, but all I get in response is laughter. She is laughing at me right now. "I'm being serious," I say in a stern tone as I stop and hold her shoulders.

She looks me up and down and laughs even harder before saying, "Breathe, Charles. I can handle myself. He didn't hurt me and if he were going to make another move I would have put him on the ground. I have an older brother, remember?" She looks amused by the situation, but my head is still spinning with anger. Why am I so mad?

We begin walking to the car in silence before she says, "Plus, it's not like we're dating." Those words have me stopping in my tracks once again. "What do you mean?" I ask.

She looks more confused than I am when she says, "You don't think we're dating just because we kissed, do you?"

"I didn't think we were dating, but I assumed we were on the right track. Also, that was more than just a kiss, Katana. Don't downplay what it was," I shoot back. My heart is aching once again and my head is starting to ache as well. We begin walking towards the car once again, avoiding the press in the paddock that desperately wants to talk to me about the win today.

Her eyes turn angry as she says, "I'm not downplaying it, Charles. It was a kiss, maybe there was a bit of tongue but I don't see how that forgives everything else that happened. Obviously, we still have feelings for each other, but trust is a thing too and a small makeout session won't fix that. You need to give me time and if that means we see other people, then we see other people."

My hands ball up into fists while trying to keep myself from screaming at the situation. My palms are sweating and my heart is beating faster than normal, causing me to be slightly lightheaded. "I don't want to see other people, and I sure as hell don't want you to," I say as we climb into my car. I allow her to open the door for herself this time, confident in her ability to slam my door less than I would.

She shoots me a look of daggers before crossing her arms and saying, "I can do whatever the hell I want. Who are you to stop me? Actually, I can have someone else take me because this is ridiculous. I thought we could be civil," She says as she reaches for the car door. Luckily driver's reflexes are on my side because I lock the door before she's able to open it.

Just as she's about to scream at me, I say, "I'm sorry. I know that I can't control you, I just got carried away. Let us go get your things, okay?"

Katana stares out the window and avoids me the entire time we drive to her house. There's no way that she can find that many things were interesting, yet she avoids eye contact with me. I fucked up. Again.

When we arrive at her apartment, I get out first and walk over to her side. She must know what I'm doing because she stays in the car while I walk around it. When I open the door and reach out my hand, she gives me a death glare before taking it reluctantly.

"You really piss me off, you know that?" She asks as she struts past me and toward the complex. I follow her, not knowing whether I should or not. She doesn't stop me, so that's a good sign, I hope. When we get to the door, she unlocks it and opens it without hesitation, yet I am very much hesitating. The door stays open for a second before she pokes her head out and asks, "You coming in or not?" I take the final steps and enter her apartment once again, this time having been actually invited.

I look around at the cracked walls, water-stained ceiling panels, and target paintings placed strategically across the walls. She did what she could to make this place home, and she did it well. There are plants everywhere along with paintings of plants and images of nature framed around the place. I walk over to the center of the room where I can see the giant billboard of my face and a large black cat lying on the windowsill. Reaching down to pet him, he coos just as I make contact with his soft, warm fur. When I follow her around the corner, I find a bedroom with minimal decoration. Just a bed and a closet with clothes strewn everywhere.

"I apologize for the mess, this is what happens when Cam goes through my closet," she says, cheeks turning pink from embarrassment. This place is cute. She did the best with what she had, I appreciate that. I take a seat on the bed and watch as she grabs a suitcase from behind the hanging clothes in the closet.

"Is your landlord going to allow you to keep most of your things here? We won't be back until November," I inform her while trying to make conversation.

"Cam is going to pay my rent while we're gone. That way I don't have to find storage for everything, but I uh, can't afford it," she stutters out in a small voice. Money seems to be a problem of hers, but everyone has that problem at some point. There's no shame in it.

"Okay, good that they're allowing it. What can I help you with?" I'm not sure what to do and I feel bad sitting here, watching.

"You don't have to do anything Charles, I am only taking a few things. I'll be done shortly." Despite the lack of decorations in the bedroom, it smells amazing. Sort of like coffee, but in a good way. I look over at her nightstand to see a picture of two young girls and an older boy, with a candle labeled "Oat milk latte," right next to it. I pick up the image and look deeper into it. The girl in the middle has long, dark hair and a face full of freckles and long dimples. The smile is familiar to that of Katanas, leading me to believe that it is her despite the big scar running down her leg. The boy to her left stands about two feet taller than her and his skin is two shades darker. The only familiarity between them is their identical smile and eyes. The girl to the right is much paler and has long blonde hair with glasses. I imagine that girl is the friend that Katana lost but instead of asking, she sits down next to me and says, "That's her."

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to snoop," I say while putting the picture back. She takes the picture out of my hands before I can set it down. Her eyes look sad and my heart aches for her. A tear slips from her eye just as I pull her into my chest and kiss the top of her head before saying, "I'm so sorry love. I'll be here for you, through everything. I'm always here."

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