Chapter Eleven

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"Excuse me, WHAT?" Camryn shrieks.

After I called her, she immediately hung up and made her way here. While I waited for her to get here, I fed a very angry Moose and paced around the apartment. For once, I'm actually free from peering eyes, because the billboard outside of Moose's favorite window is empty. They must be switching it out or something but the break from random eyes is relieving. I wonder what celebrity it will be next time. Can't say I hated when Jensen Ackles was the first man I saw every morning.

After filling her in on everything, especially the steamy kiss we shared outside and the random invitation to go to fucking Monaco with him, she sits on my couch in shock.

"I don't even know how it happened, but it did," I said, at a loss.

"You don't know? You don't know? Girl if you don't pack up your shit and move to fucking Monaco with your literal knight in shining armor, I will kick your ass into tomorrow." Camryn says, aggressively.

"Girl, I am poor and cannot afford that shit. Plus Moose? I also can't just break my lease like that and I definitely can't afford anything in a different country, not to mention I don't think I have a passport." I say, trying to defend myself from this crazy girl beside me.

Camryn's mouth opens and her hands go flying into the air. "Bitch, you better get your shit together. I'll give you money, I do not care. This is like a Wattpad book or something! You gotta do it." She is now pacing the entire apartment, trying to decide what things I need to keep and get rid of. Sometimes I forget that Camryn is completely loaded, she just works at Starbucks for fun because she's crazy. Her parents own a hotel somewhere in Georgia, and they are very supportive of her life so they fund it.

Defeated, I tell her, "Look, it's not going to happen. I'm going to see him tomorrow though!"

Camryn groans in response as she heads to the bedroom and ransacks my closet.

"What are you doing?" I ask as she starts throwing random articles of clothing out of the closet and onto the bed.

Cam cocks her head and throws her hand onto her hips with the sassiest little look on her face. It amplifies her blonde hair as it flows over her shoulder with the insane pace at which she snapped her head. "Are you stupid? Im picking out your fit for tomorrow. Ugh, none of this works. Get up, we're going to the store."

"As you wish," I say, knowing I have no chance of getting out of this. Cam stares at me as if I just granted a wish, because she parades past me with happiness as she shouts, "To Target we go!"


We have been at the same Target where I met Theo for almost two hours now. First, Camryn got distracted when we walked past our workstations and had to make us some drinks before our "spree." Then, she insisted that I should dress better, and filled the cart with a million different things for me to try on. I'm still in the process of trying on all of the clothes that she assigned for me, but she just keeps rambling about meeting a super hot guy since Target is good luck now.

"This one doesn't even cover one whole boob, Cam. Get better at this, please." I say, after looking at myself in the mirror after trying on one of the crop tops she handed to me. I am decently fit, my stomach still has a little pooch but that's organ protection. My chest, however, is a little too big for many of the clothes Camryn has given me.

"Ugh just tuck them in, the clothes are cute," Camryn says with a groan as she shoves more clothes under the fitting room door. "We aren't leaving until you find a weeks worth of new outfits and something to turn heads at the Grand Prix this weekend. We are going all three days so you're going to look hot for every second of it!"

While Cam throws her little fit I chuckle lightly, only making matters worse. "God, I am going to be stuck here forever." I proclaim as I hear her sliding more clothes across a rack.


Hot Target Theo: How powerful was Mooses' wrath today? Did you tell him that I was sorry for holding you up? Don't want him to hate me now.

After seeing Theo's message, I feel much better about how my day went. Camryn thoroughly stressed me out, but she forcefully bought me over ten outfits, in case of an emergency disaster at the race this weekend. I don't know if this is cringy or not, but I kind of miss Theos' voice. This irrational thought has me doing the one thing I swore I would never do.

"Hey! Is it a good time to talk? I just kinda wanted to talk rather than text so I don't get run over by some car when crossing the street." Yep. Thats right. I called him.

"My work meeting just ended so it's all good. Where are you at? I could give you a ride home?" Theos' voice is oddly comforting, but the way he is concerned for me has my heart melting.

"Im just coming home from Target, not even three minutes. I'll be okay. How was the meeting anyways?" I wonder what he even does, I don't think I ever asked.

"It was decent, we had a few problems but they'll get fixed before the weekend like usual." His voice sounds defeated as he says it. I bet it's a touchy subject, so I won't ask.

I make my way through the crosswalk without any incidents and begin to head into the building. "How was your day other than that? I feel like I have been gone all day."

"Mine was fine, sad without you though. Yeah, what were you even up to? Seems like you're a bit stressed considering you bashed me for calling you and look what you're doing now." His chuckle brings a smile to my face.

"I had to go shopping with my friend, Camryn. She got us tickets to some Grand Prix this weekend and she is personally ensuring that I look my best at the event." As soon as I mention it, he goes silent. "Is everything alright?" I ask while closing the distance to my door. When I put the key in, Theo responds and I pause.

"You're going to the Formula One race this weekend?" His voice is tight and almost restricted.

"Yeah, why? Do you know much about it? I was forbidden from googling because she was psyched since I had never heard of it." The door is unlocked now, I walk in and turn around to lock it out of habit. I take a minute to remove my shoes and as I do that, Theo says panicked, "Look, there's something I need to tell you."

"Yeah what's up?" I ask, concerned. In the slim moment of silence that stretches between us, I turn around and make my way to Moose. Of course, he is always perched up in his window so I move towards him before I see it.

I stopped dead in my tracks, completely confused and enraged all in one.

"I don't even know how to say it." Says the now unknown voice on the line.

My voice is layered thick with disgust. "I- I don't think you have to, Charles." 

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