Chapter Twenty-One

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We get back around 6:30 pm and Camryn plops on the patio chair outside the McLaren trailer to bask in the sun. Following suit, I plop down next to her and let my legs relax after a long day and many steps.

"So, you and Lando seem to be moving pretty fast don't ya think?" I ask, trying to get some details. I haven't seen Cam this happy in a while, this seems like a place we would both thrive in. In response to my question, she sits forward and brings her knees up to her chest.

"Dude, I am so happy and absolutely terrified. Plus, he has to leave for the next race at some point too. What do you think will happen then?" Camryn starts to stutter and rubs the back of her neck nervously.

I want to calm her nerves, but there's no telling what could happen next. "Look Cam, it's honestly up to him with what happens next. Maybe he will invite you to tour with them? You would love that!" I say excitedly.

Her eyes flash with excitement before sending me a sincere look and saying, "You know I wouldn't go without you."

I release a big sigh, "I know, but you know I can't just get up and leave. That's not really how it works for me."

Camryn rolls her eyes heavily, "I know you think that's true, but I have seen how this place affects you. You love it just as much as I do. If it's on the table, at least think about it. Anyways, where did you and Mr. Charles Leclerc go off to earlier? You went missing for a bit." She winks at me as I roll my eyes, not wanting to touch the subject.

"We ran from some paparazzi and then I got stuck hiding under his bed while Netflix did a room tour. You can see my shoes on the next season of whatever show they're on." A moment of silence stretches between us before she breaks out hysterically. Her laugh is funnier than the moment sometimes.

After some deep breaths, she finally composes herself. "You two seemed... Tense? Is it the sexual tension? Because holy shit, you two would make god-like babies."

Laughing, I say, "God! You are ridiculous. He's gorgeous don't get me wrong. There's just something that I don't know, I don't like it."

Her eyes widen and she extends her legs back down into the chair before winking at me and saying, "Well, get to liking it because here they come."

I turn my head and see Lando and Charles coming back from the Ferrari trailer. Charles changed his outfit and he is dressed in a baby blue t-shirt and black shorts that almost look like they're meant for swimming. The way his shirt hugs his upper body perfectly while showing off his toned chest and arms has me swooning. Lando is still in his race suit, but when I look over at Camryn, she is loving it.

"Welcome back," Camryn says as they get close enough for them to hear us.

"Hey! I'm going to go change, and be right back!" Lando says before he starts walking away. After two steps, he pauses and turns back to yell, "You guys don't have any plans, right?"

Laughing lightly, I turn my head towards him and confirm that we are free for the evening before he continues on his way. When I turn my head back, Charles is looking directly at me.

He smiles deviously before asking, "You guys can swim, right?"

Camryn has to be cocky and speak first, "Of course, we can swim, we live in Miami. What else is there to do?" Charles immediately apologizes and they share a laugh before silence.

I don't know if it is my facial expression or my lack of words, but they both look at me with concerned eyes. After a moment of blank stares, Camryn gasps and shouts, "Oh my goodness, Katana! That's why you never come out on the boat with me! You can't swim!"

Immediately I lurch forward in my seat and shush her before saying, "No, stop! I can kind of swim, I'm just really scared of bodies of water like that..." My voice gets quieter with every word I say, leaving them to lean into me.

Charles breaks the silence, "Did something happen? Never mind, don't answer that. I'll go tell Lando we need to change the original plan. Don't worry, we had a backup just in case!"

My stomach churns at being an inconvenience so I do something dumb and say, "No! It's okay, I'll be okay. What are we doing?" Not sure why I like to self-sabotage, but I guess I would rather relive my worst nightmare than make someone change plans around me.

After confirming about fifteen times that I would be okay, Lando walks out of the trailer in a similar outfit to Charles.

"You guys ready to go?" Lando asks the three of us.

Camryn and I make eye contact before she asks the obvious questions, "What are we doing and do you expect us to wear this the whole time?"

Lando winks at her before saying, "We're taking Charles's boat out, and of course not! We're stopping somewhere for clothes while they get the boat down to the dock."

Camryn jumps up and grabs my arm to drag me out of the seat. "Awesome! Could we just stop at Target? It's not too far down the road." I'm not sure why, but Cam's recommendation causes Charles to chuckle lightly before making direct eye contact with me.

"Target is perfect," Charles says before motioning for us to head towards a back exit away from the crowds. Despite the practice being over, there are a bunch of fans waiting around to get a glimpse of the drivers.

We get into a bright red convertible Ferrari, which Lando gladly informs us is a Portofino. There isn't much space in the back, but Camryn and I manage to squeeze in together. Lando gets into the passenger seat while Charles drives, leading me to speak without thinking.

"Oh God, don't run anyone over," I shout from the back seat as the car roars to life. Camryn and Lando look at me confused, but the look Charles gives me from the rearview mirror could melt my clothes off and my heart in the process. His intense green eyes pull me in until they lift with his smile and I look away. Lord, help me because I am fucked. 

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