He looks up into my eyes and he pokes his tongue onto the inside of his cheek angrily. "I guess this life does that to you, Princess. Don't get me wrong, I do love the love, respect and my dreams coming true, but the constant nagging of your father and you on my ass?"

He stands up as I fall back onto the table. Both his hands fall onto each side of my body and he leans forward until he's staring down into my eyes. I'm out of breath from the proximity of his closeness - I can smell his cologne.

"Right here?" I snap lowly.

"I can do whatever I please, even putting you in your place right here. I may be your mere employee but your father could never fire me. I don't know why but I guess I'm that valuable?" He sarcastically remarks with a smirk.

"When I'm boss, I won't hesitate to fire you. I don't know why my father doesn't fire you, considering you're rude compared to the rest, but I won't hesitate to," I harshly snap back.

"I would like to see you try," he smiles sarcastically. "I might want out, but I'm good at my job. I won't hesitate to slice a throat when it comes to what I care about," he says with a cock of his eyebrow and stares into my eyes.

"I think that's enough of your talk. You're too close to her, Jungkook," Taehyung tries to interject into the conversation but Jk doesn't give in.

"I'm not done talking," Jungkook snaps as his eyes continue to stare into mine. I feel my heart pound against my chest from the proximity of his closeness.

"But I sure am," I bite as I try to push him back by his buff chest. However, he doesn't budge by an inch.

He smirks. "And like I said, Princess. You can't win like this," he says with a shrug. "You may be the boss soon but don't forget, I'm good at my job - a musician and a cold blooded killer," he says with his bunny smile, which can make you fear for your life.

"I'll find a way for my father to fire you," I snarl as I narrow my eyes.

"Go ahead. So, what's the plan, Princess? What kind of job will you give us that will require us to get our hands dirty?" He asks as he eyes me warily, hands still holding me hostage.

I can feel the stares between each member but no one speaks up. How I wish they would speak up and move him away from me. He's too close.

"First," I start as I push him back. "You will give me some space and remember who you're talking to," I bite. "And second," I glance between each member. "We have a plan to abide by,"

"Which is? Get to the point," Yoongi says.

"As you all know, my uncle, which happens to be the leader of The Rubies, has attacked us once before. That led to our near destruction, but now my father wants us to make a comeback and make him shake in fear. What we have does not belong to him, no matter how many times he tries to justify it," I state as I slam my hand onto the table.

"So, the plan is to enter his headquarters and bomb it from its roots. Without it, they can't operate for a while until they rebuild the building. This will buy us some time to continue with our plans and ruin them from their roots," I say loudly.

"My uncle needs to understand that my father is the rightful heir to this company and to each musician," I firmly explain as I glance to each member. "I understand that my grandparents didn't think of him but this doesn't give him the right to start his own gang and try to ruin his own family and the company," I state.

"This mission will prove myself and you all to my father. I want this company and you all want a better position, since the number one rule is, you can never leave. We have to try or we're done for," I continue to explain firmly as I place my hands on the table.

"Okay, bet. We can do that," Yoongi with a shrug. Is that all the answer I get? "What's a little explosion to this? I haven't had some action in a while - only screaming fangirls in my ears," he says.

Jin laughs. "You're telling me twice. I'm already deaf, so what's a little more to the fire? I'm down for that," he says.

Namjoon sighs. "I don't really have a choice, do I?" He asks. I shake my head.

"I don't either. I can't get out so might as well climb the ranks and make a better life for myself. Why can't you all too?" I say as I shrug my shoulders.

"Can't leave my bestie either so I'm down. Our last mission wasn't that grand or badass so this should be an advancement," Taehyung says as he slings his arm around my shoulders and smiles with his pearly whites.

Jungkook rolls his eyes. "You better make me look cool, or I'm not doing this. My effort is determined on how good I look, can you promise that?" He questions.

"You're saying I have to dress you now? Am I your mother now?" I question with my eyebrows raised. His eyes widen as he watches me come closer and grab his shirt. "Come here, baby. I'll dress you - is that what you want?" I smirk slightly.

"Not you, you dumbwit! Call a stylist or something. We got the money so use it!" He snaps as he slaps my hand away. "I don't want you seeing me in my boxers," he says as he rolls his eyes.

"It's not like I haven't seen it before," I say with a small smile and shrug.

His eyes widen. "You what? When?"

"You what?" Taehyung scoffs loudly.

"Oh, I don't know?" I place my hand underneath my chin and pretend to think. "Maybe your Calvin Klein photoshoot? Ever thought of that?"

"Oh, that," he says as his cheeks flood with a pink shade of colour. "Didn't know you saw that," he says.

"Bro? I'm responsible for you all. I know about all your sponsorships and everything before you even know. What made you think I wouldn't know?" I ask as I raise an eyebrow and fold my arms against my chest.

"Whatever. I got nothing to hide," he says as he puffs his chest out.

I slightly slap his chest. "Acting like a pigeon. I get it - you have man boobs, in fact, more than me, but no need to show it off like that," I roll my eyes.

"I'm glad you admit I have more than you, Princess," he says with a smirk.

"But Namjoon has more than you. You forget he's more buff than you," I look over to a clueless Namjoon as he glances between us. "Sorry, bro," I apologise as I brought him into this conversation randomly.

"Excuse me? I have more -"

"What about me? You forgot I exist?" Taehyung scoffs as he eyes us warily.

"You have none," Jungkook blandly says, which earns a gasp from Tae.

"Are we seriously talking about man boobs right now? Right when we should get to discussing the details on this plan?" J-Hope sighs and shakes his head, as I can tell he's given up on us.

"Yes, we are. Until Jungkookie admits I'm also buff," Taehyung argues.

"You're lanky," Jk smirks, which earns yet another gasp from Taehyung.

"Excuse me? He's not lanky. Have you seen those abs and collarbones?" I snap as I defend my best friend. Taehyung smirks with a proud look towards him.

Jk rolls his eyes. "You're just jealous you don't have a best friend who can defend you like that. See, I do have those. You're just jealous," Taehyung shrugs.

"Are y'all done arguing? I have the best body," he smirks. "But off to the plan," Yoongi sarcastically adds as he shakes his head in complete disappointment.

"You're the boss and yet, we're still on the topic on who's more buff. Come on, Aria," Jin says as he groans.

"Okay fine! My bad! This dumbass here didn't give me a chance to. But now, time to drop a bomb and start world war three," I say with a beaming smile.

𝐒𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐬 𝐀𝐫𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐝 𝐌𝐲 𝐒𝐜𝐚𝐫𝐬 {𝐉.𝐉𝐊}Where stories live. Discover now