1 day before due date

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The creature woke up with Alex still sleeping, he must've been a little too rough on him for him to sleep this long.
The creature went out to search for food, he found berries a few rabbits and a few edible mushrooms. The creature began to cook for Alex as he slept peacefully, then the creature heard something outside of the cave.

Alex also woke up from the sound and the creature stood in front of Alex to protect him and the baby growing within him, to their surprise Lucas made his way through the woods trying to find Alex.
When Alex saw Lucas he started to tear up and walked slowly to him, Lucas saw Alex's swollen belly and asked what happened.

Alex didn't answer and hugged him and began to cry, Lucas held him close and letting him cry. Alex then took Lucas' hand and placed in on his belly, Lucas felt movements from the baby growing inside of his brother. Lucas smiled knowing that the creature had impregnated his brother and he knows that he is being taken care of.

Alex brought his brother to the bed and they both talked for awhile, the creatures smiled at them and brought them wooden bowls of rabbit soup. They both ate the soup up and talked for about an hour, after talking Lucas said that the highway was a little over 5 miles away from the cave.

Alex looked sad and Lucas asked what was wrong, Alex said that he didn't want to leave the creature alone. Lucas then said that they could bring him and the creature smiled excitedly, Alex smiled and agreed. After a few minutes of getting ready (bringing food and snacks) they began to walk, after a few hours of walking the reached the highway.

There were a few cars driving by until someone in a huge truck pulled up on the side of the road, he saw the creature but didn't really care and let them in and the creature sat at the back of the truck. After a few hours they made it home to their house, Alex got out holding his massive belly and struggling to breathe properly.

The creature noticed and alerted Lucas, Alex then fainted and the creature and Lucas rushed to get him inside. They both tried to find out why Alex was struggling to breathe and they searched his body, they lifted his shirt and saw his belly pulsing a bright green.

The creature then explained with his body language to Lucas what was happening and they instantly brought Alex to the tub, Lucas turned on the cold water and and the creature looked for fertilizer to put in the tub.

After the creature found it, he dumped the whole bag in the tub and mixed it in with the water. Alex's breathing then started to ease and they both sighed in relief and kept watching Alex, after hours of Alex sitting in the tub he woke up feeling better.

The creature picked Alex up and carried him into the living room while kissing him gently, Alex smiled and closed his eyes wanting to rest. Lucas walked into the living and saw the creature stroking Alex's belly and kissing it, Lucas then sat beside the creature and reassured him that Alex would be fine.

The RebirthOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora