- Remake -

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Cha (Y/n) was just your handsome loner who hates any social interaction, prefering to keep to himself unless it's his sister, Ari.

That all changed when he went to visit his biological father after discovering him, flying to the dangerous city, New York.

On that day, he went out to a small restaurant in a very sketchy area.

And after eating a radioactive shrimp and he became the world's greatest superhero,

Shrimp Boy.

Just kidding.

This story will be redone and a lot of the major plot points will be removed. I look back and questioned why I even decided on having an inner person for magic abilities because it makes dialogue so much harder and I definitely did not pulll it off at all. Therefore, you will only have spider powers but majorly scaled up compared to the usual iterations of Spider-Men.

And obviously, weird incest plot will be removed. Don't know what I was thinking but just changed that entire thing completely and am making the entire "harem" more condensed, limiting it to like four idols because I'm already struggling to write interactions with everyone in my Twice story.

Also, I'm not including the entire marvel lineup like I was planning before. The only heroes you'll see are the Avengers, Tiger Division (because you're in Korea), and a few others since I'll burn out way too quickly if I did more than that.

Lemme know in the comments who you want in the harem because I'll probably just stick with my usual idols otherwise, and whatever is commented the most will make it.

Alright, that's all that I wanted to say.

Anyways, look forward to the remake which will be a lot easier to follow.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 30 ⏰

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