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The frustration. The need to be touched and to touch and not being able to even though you are completely surrounded by men. It gets too much to the point where it's all you thing about, when you're alone I'm your hotel room and when you are with others. The thoughts and fantasies embedded themselves in your brain.

When the knock on looseys hotel door rang through the room she jumped,
physically. Thoughts ran: what had she done?, had she fucked up? Who even is this?. But to her surprise when she opened the door slowly it revealed anetra standing in the hallway looking around her as if checking the corridors are clear. Both girls just stood for a second not knowing what to say to each other. "Is something wrong"  asks loosey breaking the silence finally and the relief on anteras face told loosey she was thankful even though she was the one who knocked.

Anetra didn't say anything back and loosey is started to get agitated. "You can't just show up to MY hotel room and then stand and stare at me like some kind of -". Anetra stepped forward and as she did so pulling loosey in closer as she connects the kiss. Loosey is cut off as her body submits to the kiss. With the need and want and desire filling the room soon the queens are a mess of heated breaths and flailing hands.
Anetra pulls up looseys shirt and reveals her more than sexy tattooed arms. Anetra moved her focus to looseys neck. Sucking and biting until splotches of red appear all over her. Loosey moves her neck to give anetra more room and she makes perfect little sounds at this little touch. Anetra lowers her kiss slightly to a different part of her neck and loosey Almost looses it with pleasure.
" fuck me" she begs and a grin forms on anteras face. "Ask me nicely" she says wanting to rile loosey up, wanting her to want it .  "Please, PLEASE I need you to destroy me" she pleads. Anetra replies by taking her shirt off and pushing loosey to the edge of her own bed while pulling down her trousers leaving lossey in nothing but boxers.

She continues to tease her. Stroking her dick through the fabric but never giving her skin to skin touch. Loosey hums her pleasure in tiny moans and sighs. Anetra slowly pulls down looseys boxers and she gasps at the cold air around her now throbbing cock. Anetra sly lowers her head down looseys dick making her moan and the warmth and pleasure of anetra mouth. Slowly she bobs her head just enough to keep loosey hard but nowhere close to Cumming. "Please fuck me I need this" loosey begs as anetra pulls her head back leaving loosey exposed to the cold air around her again. "Knees" anetra says as loosey sits at her feet looking up to her.

Anetra grabs looseys jaw, "what do you want" she asks as looseys stutters her response. Anetra unbuckles her trousers and strips down as looseys watches without being able to touch. Anetra grabs lossey by the throat pulling her to her feet as she looks straight in her eyes. She shoves her onto the bed and positions herself between her legs. She lines up but doesn't push in. Lossey is a mess of need and the teasing is too much for her. Anetra finally pushes her thick dick into loosey causing her to moan far too loud. The teasing is over and anetra fucks her into the bed so hard loosey can't control her moans. "Shut your mouth you dirty fucking slut" anetra spits through gritted teeth as she slaps loosey across the face making her go red almost immediately. 

The stinging pain mixed with pleasure is just too much for loosey and she's so close. She needs this and so does her body. Her whole body begs to be relieved and it's all in anetras hands. Looseys orgasm is building up and just as her muscles start to strain anetra pulls out leaving loosey with nothing. She moans at the loss of anetra and also her ruined orgasm. She lays there, her chest heaving for the air the lost when all she could was moan .  Anetra stops and looks down at the pretty mess she has created.  Looseys chest is rising too fast to catch her breath, sweat beading down her for head and chest and slight tears Welling in her eyes.

Anetra thrusts in and this time they are both ready to finish. Looseys moans pick up again as her legs start shaking. Anetra leans forward and guides her hand to looseys neck and she pushes slightly taking looseys breath away from her, literally. This brings her to her orgasm and as her body tightens anetra cums too.

They collapse beside each other, chests heaving and bodies warm and slick with sweat. This isn't the last time I'm fucked this good loosey silently promises herself

rpdr season 15जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें